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过去式:hung  过去式:hanged  过去式:hung  过去式:hanged  过去式:hanging  过去式:hangs  

1 . The King has merely given the politicians enough rope to hang themselves.



2 . The King has merely given the politicians enough rope to hang themselves.



3 . If we give her enough rope, she will hang herself.



4 . If we give her enough rope, she will hang herself.



5 . They are getting the hang of it very quickly.



6 . They are getting the hang of it very quickly.



7 . The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead.



8 . The British driver was unable to hang on to his lead.



9 . Hang gliding and paragliding are allowed from the top of Windy Hill.



10 . Hang gliding and paragliding are allowed from the top of Windy Hill.




hang around

1 . 闲荡:悠闲地消磨时间;闲荡

hang back

2 . 变为不情愿;退缩

hang in 【非正式用语】

3 . 坚持不懈

hang off

4 . 退缩;变为不情愿

hang on

5 . 纠缠:紧紧握住某物

hang out 【俚语】

6 . 消磨时间:在某个固定地方消磨空闲时间

hang around

7 . 闲荡:悠闲地消磨时间;闲荡

hang together

8 . 团结一致;紧密团结

hang back

9 . 变为不情愿;退缩

hang up

10 . 悬吊:在钩子上或衣架上挂起

hang in 【非正式用语】

11 . 坚持不懈

get the hang of

12 . (非正式)学会…的操作方法(或窍门),熟悉…的做法

hang off

13 . 退缩;变为不情愿

hang by a thread1. it's all quite simple when you get the hang of it.你掌握了操作方法后,就十分简单了。hang one's hat

14 . (北美,非正式)(在某处)住下

hang on

15 . 纠缠:紧紧握住某物

hang heavily (或 heavy)

16 . (时间)难以打发,过得很慢

hang out 【俚语】

17 . 消磨时间:在某个固定地方消磨空闲时间

hang in the air

18 . 悬而未决

hang together

19 . 团结一致;紧密团结

hang a left (或 right)

20 . (非正式,主美)向左(或右)转弯;左(或右)拐

hang up

21 . 悬吊:在钩子上或衣架上挂起

hang looseNew Zealand English

22 . (南非,非正式)极,非常;非常多(或大等)

get the hang of

23 . (非正式)学会…的操作方法(或窍门),熟悉…的做法

hang someone out to dry

24 . (非正式,主北美)使某人处于困难(或脆弱)的境地

hang by a thread1. it's all quite simple when you get the hang of it.你掌握了操作方法后,就十分简单了。hang one's hat

25 . (北美,非正式)(在某处)住下

hang ten

26 . (冲浪)作十趾驾驭(用两脚十趾钩住冲浪板的前沿)

hang heavily (或 heavy)

27 . (时间)难以打发,过得很慢

hang tough

28 . (北美)不动摇,坚持下去

hang in the air

29 . 悬而未决

let it all hang out

30 . (非正式)变得轻松随便,不拘礼节

hang a left (或 right)

31 . (非正式,主美)向左(或右)转弯;左(或右)拐

not care (或 give) a hang

32 . (非正式)一点也不在乎

hang looseNew Zealand English

33 . (南非,非正式)极,非常;非常多(或大等)

you may (或 might as well) be hanged for a sheep as

34 . (谚)一不做,二不休(两种违规行为所受处罚相同时,如果较严重的一种会带来更多的好处,则人们很可能就会犯较严重的这种)

hang someone out to dry

35 . (非正式,主北美)使某人处于困难(或脆弱)的境地

hang around (或 round 或英 about)

36 . (在附近)闲荡,转悠

hang ten

37 . (冲浪)作十趾驾驭(用两脚十趾钩住冲浪板的前沿)

hang in

38 . (非正式,主北美)不泄气,坚持下去

hang tough

39 . (北美)不动摇,坚持下去

hang something on

40 . (非正式)嫁祸于(人)

let it all hang out

41 . (非正式)变得轻松随便,不拘礼节

hang out

42 . (洗好的衣物)挂在晾衣绳上晾晒

not care (或 give) a hang

43 . (非正式)一点也不在乎

hang something out

44 . 把…晾出去,把…挂出去

you may (或 might as well) be hanged for a sheep as

45 . (谚)一不做,二不休(两种违规行为所受处罚相同时,如果较严重的一种会带来更多的好处,则人们很可能就会犯较严重的这种)

hang up on

46 . 挂断(某人)的电话

hang around (或 round 或英 about)

47 . (在附近)闲荡,转悠

hang something up

48 . 把…挂在钩上

hang in

49 . (非正式,主北美)不泄气,坚持下去

hang something on

50 . (非正式)嫁祸于(人)

hang out

51 . (洗好的衣物)挂在晾衣绳上晾晒

hang something out

52 . 把…晾出去,把…挂出去

hang up on

53 . 挂断(某人)的电话

hang something up

54 . 把…挂在钩上


hang it up【非正式用语】

1 . 放弃;退出

give a hang 或 care a hang

2 . 关心或焦虑

hang loose【俚语】

3 . 沉着或放松

hang a left【非正式用语】

4 . (在一辆汽车上)向左转

hang on to

5 . 紧紧地握着;抓得很牢

hang a right【非正式用语】

6 . (在一辆汽车上)向右转

hang tough【非正式用语】

7 . 保持坚定决心的

hang fire

8 . 拖延

let it all hang out【俚语】

9 . 完全地放松

hang in there【非正式用语】

10 . 坚持:尽管有困难也坚持;坚持不懈

hang it up【非正式用语】

11 . 放弃;退出

hang loose【俚语】

12 . 沉着或放松

hang on to

13 . 紧紧地握着;抓得很牢

hang tough【非正式用语】

14 . 保持坚定决心的

let it all hang out【俚语】

15 . 完全地放松

同义词vt.1.悬挂”释义下的同义词 suspend fasten up 2.绞死;吊死”释义下的同义词 string up execute vi.3.下垂”释义下的同义词 sag bend down droop 语源Old English hangian(intransitive verb), of West Germanic origin, related to Dutch and German hangen, reinforced by the Old Norse transitive verb hanga英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.a special way of doing something;

he had a bent for it

2.the way a garment hangs;

he adjusted the hang of his coat

3.a gymnastic exercise performed on the rings or horizontal bar or parallel bars when the gymnast's weight is supported by the arms


1.be suspended or hanging;

The flag hung on the wall

2.cause to be hanging or suspended;

Hang that picture on the wall

3.kill by hanging;

The murdered was hanged on Friday

4.let drop or droop;

Hang one's head in shame

5.be suspended or hanging;

The flag hung on the wall

6.fall or flow in a certain way;

This dress hangs well

7.cause to be hanging or suspended;

Hang that picture on the wall

8.be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive;

This worry hangs on my mind

9.kill by hanging;

The murdered was hanged on Friday

10.give heed (to);

The children in the audience attended the recital quietly

11.let drop or droop;

Hang one's head in shame

12.be suspended or poised;

Heavy fog hung over the valley

13.fall or flow in a certain way;

This dress hangs well

14.hold on tightly or tenaciously;

hang on to your father's hands

15.be menacing, burdensome, or oppressive;

This worry hangs on my mind

16. be exhibited;

Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum

17.give heed (to);

The children in the audience attended the recital quietly

18. prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury

19.be suspended or poised;

Heavy fog hung over the valley

20. decorate or furnish with something suspended;

Hang wallpaper

21.hold on tightly or tenaciously;

hang on to your father's hands

22. be placed in position as by a hinge;

This cabinet door doesn't hang right!

23. be exhibited;

Picasso hangs in this new wing of the museum

24. place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction;

hang a door

25. prevent from reaching a verdict, of a jury

26. of meat, in order to get a gamey taste;

hang the venison for a few days

27. decorate or furnish with something suspended;

Hang wallpaper

28. be placed in position as by a hinge;

This cabinet door doesn't hang right!

29. place in position as by a hinge so as to allow free movement in one direction;

hang a door

30. of meat, in order to get a gamey taste;

hang the venison for a few days


3. 飞得慢


2. 悬吊

3. 飞得慢



2. gaining 网目悬垂在网结上的增目方法。


2. gaining 网目悬垂在网结上的增目方法。



2. 绞死

3. 吊死


2. 绞死

3. 吊死


1 . 挂

...竹叶(bamboo leaf)包裹糯米(sticky rice)制成带棱角(angular)的形状。其它活动还有悬挂(hang)钟馗像(icon of Zhong Kui)【神话中的保护神(mythical guardian f.

2 . 挂

...竹叶(bamboo leaf)包裹糯米(sticky rice)制成带棱角(angular)的形状。其它活动还有悬挂(hang)钟馗像(icon of Zhong Kui)【神话中的保护神(mythical guardian f.

3 . 上吊

fucking despicable nearly want to hang., 卑贱得想上吊.

4 . 上吊

fucking despicable nearly want to hang., 卑贱得想上吊.

5 . 悬挂方式

hangweight 悬重hang悬挂方式;用法;悬挂hang-off shoulder 坐定台肩

6 . 悬挂方式

hangweight 悬重hang悬挂方式;用法;悬挂hang-off shoulder 坐定台肩

7 . 用法

hangweight 悬重hang悬挂方式;用法;悬挂hang-off shoulder 坐定台肩

8 . 用法

hangweight 悬重hang悬挂方式;用法;悬挂hang-off shoulder 坐定台肩

相关词条+hang up

1 . 挂断悬挂

英语动词_已解决问题_搜狐问答 ... hang on 坚持,抓紧,不放;等待片刻,(打电话时)不挂断;有赖于;取决于 hang up 挂断(电话):悬挂,挂起 have on 穿着,戴着.

2 . 挂断悬挂

英语动词_已解决问题_搜狐问答 ... hang on 坚持,抓紧,不放;等待片刻,(打电话时)不挂断;有赖于;取决于 hang up 挂断(电话):悬挂,挂起 have on 穿着,戴着.

+hang out

1 . 出去消遣

常用的一些英语俚语140条.doc - 赵菊明的英... ... f-u-c-ked up 可以表达很多意思,比如“糟透了,笨死了” hang out (和朋友)出去消遣hooker 妓女.

2 . 出去消遣

常用的一些英语俚语140条.doc - 赵菊明的英... ... f-u-c-ked up 可以表达很多意思,比如“糟透了,笨死了” hang out (和朋友)出去消遣hooker 妓女.

+hang on

1 . 取决于

hang on to 紧紧握住;坚持下去hang on 抓紧;取决于;不挂断电话hang about=hang around 徘徊;荡来荡去

2 . 取决于

hang on to 紧紧握住;坚持下去hang on 抓紧;取决于;不挂断电话hang about=hang around 徘徊;荡来荡去

3 . 有赖于

side by side 并排并肩hang on 坚持;不挂断;靠着;渴望;有赖于take part in 参与;参加

4 . 有赖于

side by side 并排并肩hang on 坚持;不挂断;靠着;渴望;有赖于take part in 参与;参加

+hang hang

1 . 词义

...如,在家听话爸爸回家时给你买个行行玩, 1,hang hang2,xing xing词义,hang hang, 1,每一个行列2,每一个行业词义,xing xing, 1.

2 . 词义

...如,在家听话爸爸回家时给你买个行行玩, 1,hang hang2,xing xing词义,hang hang, 1,每一个行列2,每一个行业词义,xing xing, 1.

1.You have to hang a louie at the "stop" sign.


2.You have to hang a louie at the "stop" sign.


3.The four would not be able to hang the entire juiy up.


4.The four would not be able to hang the entire juiy up.


5.I'm prepared for a rough time, and hang in there.


6.I'm prepared for a rough time, and hang in there.


7.I'm just hang in. Maybe things will get better.


8.I'm just hang in. Maybe things will get better.



HANG 是一个类似UFO的金属乐器,它在2000年起源于瑞士,是一种声音悠扬的乐器。它采用钢铁经过加工制成,经过多次改良,其发声原理比较先进,采用空间共振,乐器模仿声音能力较强,可以模仿锣,加麦兰,加塔姆,竖琴,鼓声,钟声等。好的乐手甚至还可以用它来模仿人的嗓音。 用此乐器演奏需要就较好的临场发挥能力,就算相同的曲目每次演奏都是独一无二的,完全由演奏者随心所欲的控制,它没有固定的曲谱,没有固定演奏的模式,可
