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1 . A handsaw is a good thing, but not to shave with.


2 . A handsaw is a good thing, but not to shave with.


3 . Hamlet: I am but mad north - north - west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw .

哈姆雷特: 天上刮西北风的时候,我才发疯; 风从南方吹过来的时候,我不会把一只老鹰当作一只苍蝇.

4 . Hamlet: I am but mad north - north - west: when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw .

哈姆雷特: 天上刮西北风的时候,我才发疯; 风从南方吹过来的时候,我不会把一只老鹰当作一只苍蝇.

5 . At the mall, my wife and I picked up some hardware items, including a handsaw .

在集市上, 我和妻子买了一些五金用品, 包括一个手锯.

6 . At the mall, my wife and I picked up some hardware items, including a handsaw .

在集市上, 我和妻子买了一些五金用品, 包括一个手锯.

7 . Our company fastens a sole agent company of multi - function magic handsaw of Korea.

本公司系国内的一家 多功能 手锯的独家代理商.

8 . Our company fastens a sole agent company of multi - function magic handsaw of Korea.

本公司系国内的一家 多功能 手锯的独家代理商.

9 . However, players of other instruments, from the classical violin to the handsaw, are also buskers.

不过, 演奏其它乐器的人也算街头艺人,他们演奏的乐器囊括了从古典小提琴到锯琴的各种乐器.

10 . However, players of other instruments, from the classical violin to the handsaw, are also buskers.

不过, 演奏其它乐器的人也算街头艺人,他们演奏的乐器囊括了从古典小提琴到锯琴的各种乐器.

网络释义 -handsaw

1 . 手锯

手锉 hand file手锯;板锯 handsaw手锥 bradawl.

2 . 板锯

手锉 hand file手锯;板锯 handsaw手锥 bradawl.

相关词条+know a hawk from a handsaw

1 . 有常识

knout 皮鞭know a hawk from a handsaw 有常识know a move or two 机灵

+frame for handsaw

1 . 手锯架

frame filter press 框式压滤机frame for handsaw 手锯架frame gloves 针织手套

+handsaw sharpening tool

1 . 锯齿磨具

handsaw blade 手锯条handsaw sharpening tool 锯齿磨具handscroll of painting 画卷

+a handsaw

1 . 一只苍蝇

Hamlet : I am but mad north-north-west : when the wind is southerly I know a hawk from a handsaw .哈姆雷特:天上刮西北风的时候,我才发疯;风从南方吹过来的时候,我不会把一只老鹰当作一只苍蝇。

2 . 一个手锯

at the mall , my wife and I picked up some hardware items , including a handsaw .在集市上,我和妻子买了一些五金用品,包括一个手锯。
