英语频道小编Candice整理了英语单词grounder的学习资料,关于grounder是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括grounder的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,grounder的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词grounder相关的信息。 grounder英[ˈgraʊndə(r)]美[ˈɡraʊndɚ]n.滚地球,沿地面跳滚的球网络一坠落地;滚地球;绳子没能吸收动能 双语例句 1 . In the gymnasiums of Beijing and Shanghai, there were grounder competitions. 上海 、 北京都有健身房里玩地滚球的比赛. 2 . In the gymnasiums of Beijing and Shanghai, there were grounder competitions. 上海 、 北京都有健身房里玩地滚球的比赛. 3 . The grounder went for a hit, and Damon scooted to third. 当这滚地球穿出内野, 大门直奔三垒. 4 . The grounder went for a hit, and Damon scooted to third. 当这滚地球穿出内野, 大门直奔三垒. 5 . Maiga: The International Grounder Federation was founded in 1951. 麦加: “国际地滚球联合会”成立于1951年. 6 . Maiga: The International Grounder Federation was founded in 1951. 麦加: “国际地滚球联合会”成立于1951年. 行业释义网络释义 体育1.地滚球 2. 地面球 -grounder1 . 一坠落地 攀登英语汇总 - 『 岩壁芭蕾 』 - 户外资料网... ... Grapevine knot 渔夫结 Grounder 一坠落地,绳子没能吸收动能。 Grigri Petzl 生产的一种能自锁的保护装置。. 2 . 滚地球 grounded 接地的grounder滚地球groundhog 土拨鼠 3 . 绳子没能吸收动能 四川旅游信息网登山攀登... ... Grapevine knot 渔夫结 Grounder 一坠落地,绳子没能吸收动能。 Grigri Petzl 生产的一种能自锁的保护装置。. 相关词条+the grounders must be1 . 创业者必须 the grounders must be at finding newly-emerged things and keeping strong searching desire to newly-emerged things .创业者必须善于发现新生事物,并对新生事物有强烈的探求欲; +earthing foot grounder1 . 接地脚环 the principle is that the earthing line in socks will remove static of body through earthing foot grounder , conductive mat and the earthing line.So the earthling line must contact with skin .其原理为透过置于袜子内的导电线带,将人体的静电经由接地脚环、导电地垫、接地线排放至大地上,故导电线带需确实与皮肤接触。 +disk grounder1 . 圆盘研磨机 disk gate || 盘形浇口disk grounder || 圆盘研磨机disk insulated cable || 有绝缘垫圈的高频电缆 +ground ball, grounder1 . 挥击 foul ball 界外球 illegal pitch 不合法投球 illegally batted ball 不合法击球 bunt 触击球 foul tip 擦棒球 bunting 触击 swing 挥击ground ball, grounder. |