英语频道小编Angel整理了英语单词govern的学习资料,关于govern是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括govern的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,govern的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词govern相关的信息。 govern英[ˈgʌvn]美[ˈgʌvərn]vt.统治;管理;治理;支配(词或短语的形式或用法)vi.控制,支配;操纵 网络统治;管辖;支配;调速 词形变化: 过去式:governed 过去式:governed 过去式:governing 过去式:governs 派生词:governability governable 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves. 各加盟共和国开始要求获得自治权。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . The govern -ment will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas. 政府将继续努力重建内城地区。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . The govern -ment will continue to try to regenerate inner city areas. 政府将继续努力重建内城地区。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . The govern -ment gave 30 million marks for new school books. 政府拨款3000万马克用于购置学校的新教材。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . The govern -ment gave 30 million marks for new school books. 政府拨款3000万马克用于购置学校的新教材。 来自柯林斯例句 6 . They were utterly unfit to govern America. 他们完全没有能力治理美国。 来自柯林斯例句 7 . They were utterly unfit to govern America. 他们完全没有能力治理美国。 来自柯林斯例句 8 . The govern -ment cannot afford to alienate either group. 疏远两个团体中的任何一方都是政府承受不起的。 来自柯林斯例句 9 . The govern -ment cannot afford to alienate either group. 疏远两个团体中的任何一方都是政府承受不起的。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词vt.1.统治;管理;控制”释义下的同义词 head manage direct supervise reign run preside command control curb influence conduct handle regulate minister over determine ru 反义词vt.1.统治;管理”释义下的同义词 misgovern misrule 语源Middle English: from Old French governer, from Latin gubernareto steer, rule, from Greek kubernanto steer英英释义行业释义网络释义 or strongly influence the behavior of; His belief in God governs his conduct 2.exercise authority over; as of nations; Who is governing the country now? 3.bring into conformity with rules or principles or usage; impose regulations; We cannot regulate the way people dress 4.require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German or strongly influence the behavior of; His belief in God governs his conduct 6.exercise authority over; as of nations; Who is governing the country now? 7.require to be in a certain grammatical case, voice, or mood; most transitive verbs govern the accusative case in German 体育3. 管理 1.掌握 2. 控制 3. 管理 法律1.统治 1.统治 -govern1 . 统治 英国政府和行政管理方面的词多数来自法语,例如:government(政府),govern(统治),administer(管理),crown(王冠),state(国家),empire(帝国),rea. 2 . 统治 英国政府和行政管理方面的词多数来自法语,例如:government(政府),govern(统治),administer(管理),crown(王冠),state(国家),empire(帝国),rea. 3 . 管辖 affiliate 关联公司govern管辖governing law 管辖法律 4 . 支配 ...根据初步的考察,在主谓谓语句S+S′+VP中,S/S′跟VP的语义连结有两种方式:1)S/S′受到VP的格框架的支配(govern),即S/S′是VP[,1]的一个格;2)S/S′不受VP的格支配,S/S′是从属于句子框架的环境成分。下面先讨论这第二种情况。. 5 . 管辖 affiliate 关联公司govern管辖governing law 管辖法律 6 . 支配 ...根据初步的考察,在主谓谓语句S+S′+VP中,S/S′跟VP的语义连结有两种方式:1)S/S′受到VP的格框架的支配(govern),即S/S′是VP[,1]的一个格;2)S/S′不受VP的格支配,S/S′是从属于句子框架的环境成分。下面先讨论这第二种情况。. 7 . 调速 gouging 凿孔govern调速govern调整 8 . 调速 gouging 凿孔govern调速govern调整 相关词条+governments1 . 各国政府 How do we get governments to act cooperatively in the common interest ?, 那么我们要怎么能让各国政府在共有利益的基础上相互协作呢? 2 . 各国政府 How do we get governments to act cooperatively in the common interest ?, 那么我们要怎么能让各国政府在共有利益的基础上相互协作呢? 3 . 国政府 the two governments differ with each other on the political question ., 两国政府在这个政治问题上有分歧. 4 . 国政府 the two governments differ with each other on the political question ., 两国政府在这个政治问题上有分歧. +government1 . 政府 ...government,与政府公务员,employee,之间的电子政务,又称G2E,也有学者把它称之为内部效率效能,IEE. 2 . 政府的 the Queen also Head of the Armed Forces . she is the only person who can declare when the country is at war and when a war is over , although she must take advice from her government about it first .女王还是军队的领袖。她是唯一能够宣布过是处于战争状态以及战争结束的人,尽管在此之前她必须征询政府的意见。 3 . 政府 ...government,与政府公务员,employee,之间的电子政务,又称G2E,也有学者把它称之为内部效率效能,IEE. 4 . 政府的 the Queen also Head of the Armed Forces . she is the only person who can declare when the country is at war and when a war is over , although she must take advice from her government about it first .女王还是军队的领袖。她是唯一能够宣布过是处于战争状态以及战争结束的人,尽管在此之前她必须征询政府的意见。 +governance1 . 治理 ... . . .性社会系统的和谐性以及公共利益的公平实现程度既是卓越治理成效的重要指标也是体现文明先进性的重要属性2从治理(governance)善治到卓越治理卓越治理由中央政法管理干部学院法治系统工程中心与以社会系统工程架构综合集成多种世界化治. 2 . 管治 would inject new thinking into his governance ., 会为他的管治注入新思维. 3 . 治理 ... . . .性社会系统的和谐性以及公共利益的公平实现程度既是卓越治理成效的重要指标也是体现文明先进性的重要属性2从治理(governance)善治到卓越治理卓越治理由中央政法管理干部学院法治系统工程中心与以社会系统工程架构综合集成多种世界化治. 4 . 管治 would inject new thinking into his governance ., 会为他的管治注入新思维. |