英语频道小编Julie整理了英语单词gloving的学习资料,关于gloving是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括gloving的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,gloving的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词gloving相关的信息。 gloving美[ɡ'lʌvɪŋ]手套制作网络手套制作 双语例句 1 . He has a bleeding de - gloving scalp laceration, multiple facial adistended abdomen, and an agonal breathing pattern. 下颌部头皮裂伤并出血, 面部多处损伤,腹部明显膨隆, 濒死呼吸. 网络释义 -gloving1 . 手套制作 不戴手套的 glovelike gloveman glover 做手套的人 gloves 手套 gloving手套制作 glow 发光,发热;发热,发红,容光焕发;显示出强烈浓厚的颜色光辉;激情 glow-worm. 相关词条+cotton glove1 . 棉手套 英汉词典解释 ... cotton cloth棉布 Cotton glove棉手套;棉工作手套 absorbent cotton脱脂棉;吸水棉;药棉. +welding glove glove1 . 电焊手套 professional produce glove , leather labour glove , leather glove. main products including working glove , furniture glove , welding glove glove .专业的牛皮劳保手套生产供应商,包括各种电焊手套,家私皮手套,工作手套等。 +protective gloves1 . 防护手套 澳大利亚求购防护手套(protective gloves)/Hi, I need as a minimum 50 pairs of protective gloves, to be shipped to Australia. Price per unit? Thanks. +gloves , plastic gloves1 . 塑料手套 and we make sure if there are any cuts , if a child falls and gets a cut , we use gloves , plastic gloves and make sure to use a clean cloth and make sure everything is sterile and very clean .如果有学生被割伤,我们会用干净的塑料手套与纱布给他们包扎,所有东西都是经过消毒的。 |