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vt.& vi.到达,来
过去式:got  过去式:got  过去式:gotten  过去式:getting  过去式:gets  

1 . No matter where you go in life or how old you get, there's always something new to learn about. After all, life is full of surprises.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

2 . If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

3 . I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest.



4 . You'll need to get on the right side of Carmela.



5 . Come along, lad. Time for you to get home.




get in there

1 . (非正式)采取积极行动(以实现目标)(常用于劝戒)

get it on

2 . (非正式)开始(行动);实行

get it up

3 . (粗俚)(男子)勃起

get one's own back

4 . (英,非正式)复仇;报复;反击


5 . (贬)想暴发致富的,以暴发致富为目的的

getting on for

6 . (主英)接近(某个时刻、年龄或数目);几乎


7 . (非正式)精力,热情,主动性

get someone with child

8 . (古)使女人怀孕

get something across

9 . 把意思说清楚,使想法被理解

get ahead

10 . (生活或事业)取得成功

get back to

11 . (事后)答复;反馈

get someone down

12 . 打击;使意志消沉

get something down

13 . 记录,记下

get down to

14 . 开始(认真)做(或考虑)

get in on

15 . 参与(有利或令人兴奋的活动)

get in with

16 . (尤指为图利而)和(某人)友好

get off on

17 . (非正式,主北美)因…而兴奋(或被激起)

get on to

18 . (主英)(就某一话题)同(某人)接触(或联系)

get something out

19 . 成功地发表(或发行、发布)

get out of

20 . 设法避免承担责任(或义务);逃避责任

get something out of

21 . 从(某一任务或行动中)获益

get outside (of)

22 . (英,非正式)(津津有味地)吃(或喝)

get something over

23 . 设法传达(思想,理论)

get round (或 N. Amer. 北美 chiefly Brit. 主英

24 . 哄骗(或说服)(某人)改变想法去做(或允许)某事

get round to (或 N. Amer. 北美

25 . (主英)(在适当时候)做(某事),(抽出时间)做(某事)

get someone up

26 . (精心)打扮

get something up

27 . 准备,组织(项目,工作)

get up to

28 . (英,非正式)卷入,牵涉到(多指非法或意外事件)

get about

29 . 可以走动:离开床并开始走动,通常指病后

get across

30 . 使了解:使变得清楚或令人置信

get after

31 . 催促或责骂

get along

32 . 相处融洽

get around

33 . 规避,逃避

get at

34 . 到达:成功地接触或到达

get away

35 . 脱身,逃脱

get back

36 . 归还:回到一个人身边、一个地方或一种情况

get by

37 . 通过,越过

get down

38 . 下降

get in

39 . 到达

get into

40 . 卷入

get off

41 . 起程:动身,如一旅程;离开

get on

42 . 相处和谐:是或连续处于和睦的关系之中

get out

43 . 使离开,使逃走

get over

44 . 胜过;超越

get through

45 . 结束:到达终点;结束或完成

get to

46 . 开始处理

get together

47 . 集会:带到一起;集会

get up

48 . 爬


get around to

1 . 为…找到时间或机会

get away with

2 . 逃避:逃避(如应受批评的行为的)后果

get back at

3 . 进行报复…

get cracking

4 . 开始:开始工作;开始

get even

5 . 得到报复

get even with

6 . 报复:以相等的行动报答,如为了复仇

get going

7 . 起头;开始

get it【非正式用语】

8 . 被惩罚或责备

get it on【俚语】

9 . 用精力或激动使充满

get nowhere

10 . 毫无进展

get on the stick

11 . 开始工作

get (someone's) goat

12 . 使生气或恼怒

get somewhere【非正式用语】

13 . 取得进步

get there【非正式用语】

14 . 取得进步或获得成功

get wind of

15 . 知道

同义词vi.1.变成,成为”释义下的同义词 grow become turn vt.2.招致;引起”释义下的同义词 bring about incur 3.获得;得到;赢得;买到”释义下的同义词 receive fetch bring catch buy earn secure obtain win retrieve acquire gain 4.说服,劝服”释义下的同义词 influence induce persuade 反义词vt.1.获得,得到;买到”释义下的同义词 give lose send relinquish 语源Middle English: from Old Norse getaobtain, beget, guess; related to Old English gietan(in begietanbeget, forgietanforget), from an Indo-European root shared by Latin praedabooty, prey, praehendereget hold of, seize, and Greek khandaneinhold, contain, be able英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语vern

1.come into the possession of something concrete or abstract;

She got a lot of paintings from her uncle

2.enter or assume a certain state or condition;

He became annoyed when he heard the bad news

3.cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition;

He got his squad on the ball

4.receive a specified treatment (abstract);

These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation

5.reach a destination; arrive by movement or progress;

She arrived home at 7 o'clock

6.go or come after and bring or take back;

Get me those books over there, please

7.of mental or physical states or experiences;

get an idea

8.take vengeance on or get even;

We'll get them!

9.achieve a point or goal;

Nicklaus had a 70

10. cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner;

The ads induced me to buy a VCR

11. succeed in catching or seizing, especially after a chase;

We finally got the suspect

12. come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes);

He grew a beard

13. be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness;

He got AIDS

14. communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone;

Bill called this number and he got Mary

15. give certain properties to something;

get someone mad

16. move into a desired direction of discourse;

What are you driving at?

17. grasp with the mind or develop an undersatnding of;

did you catch that allusion?

18. attract and fix;

His look caught her

19. reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot;

the rock caught her in the back of the head

20. reach by calculation;

What do you get when you add up these numbers?

21. acquire as a result of some effort or action;

You cannot get water out of a stone

22. purchase;

What did you get at the toy store?

23. perceive by hearing;

I didn't catch your name

24. suffer from the receipt of;

She will catch hell for this behavior!

25. receive as a retribution or punishment;

He got 5 years in prison

26. leave immediately; used usually in the imperative form;


27. reach and board;

She got the bus just as it was leaving

28. irritate;

Her childish behavior really get to me

29. evoke an emotional response;

Brahms's `Requiem' gets me every time

30. apprehend and reproduce accurately;

She really caught the spirit of the place in her drawings

31. in baseball: earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher;

He drew a base on balls

32. overcome or destroy;

The ice storm got my hibiscus

33. be a mystery or bewildering to;

This beats me!

34. take the first step or steps in carrying out an action;

We began working at dawn

35. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses);

She suffered a fracture in the accident

36. make children;

Abraham begot Isaac



2. 杀出局

3. 抢救险球


1 . 得到

...使役动词编辑英语中使役动词是表示使,令,让,帮,叫等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有leave(离开).get(得到).keep(保持).make(使,令),let(让),help(帮助),have(有,让,从事,允许,拿)等,目录1英文2定义3用法4例句5典型动词1英文Causative verb 2定义使役动词是表示使(令)让(帮)叫等意义的不完全及物动词,主要有leave(离开。.get.

2 . 获得


3 . 到

How did you getover to me so fast ?, 你怎么那么快就到我身边的?

4 . 把

Can you getthe kite down from that tree ?, 你能把那个风筝从树上弄下来吗?

相关词条+get up and get

1 . 尽量快

...get up and dust [美国习惯用语]匆匆离开, 慌忙离去。get up and get 赶快走, 赶快, 尽量快。get up and go 魄力, 热情。

2 . 赶快走

...get up and dust [美国习惯用语]匆匆离开, 慌忙离去。get up and get 赶快走, 赶快, 尽量快。get up and go 魄力, 热情。

+getting undressed to get

1 . 衣服准备

today , my cat was in the bathroom with me . I was getting undressed to get into the shower . my cat looked at me after I undressed and then proceeded to throw up all over the rug . FML今天,我的猫和我一起在浴室里。我脱了衣服准备冲个澡。猫在我**了衣服以后看了看我,然后就在小毯上吐得到处都是。FML

+get gets

1 . 会表现得

He stays lawn calm and never get gets angry or too excited., 从来不会表现得太生气或太兴奋.

+get accessor get

1 . 访问器

get 获取get accessor get 访问器get area get 区域

1.We can get along without your help.


2.He didn't get along with the boss.


3.My father is getting along (in years) and doesn't see too well any more.


4.It's getting along toward evening.


5.When they found out his record he got the business.


6.Get a hump on with that assignment,OK?


7.I've listened to the stuff,but I sure don't get my rocks off on it.



基本释义 多用于表示感情、气候、环境的变化 后接形容词原级或比较级。 vt. 得到, 收到 I've got your telegram. 我已经收到了你的电报。 具有 使得 Please go and get him. 请去把他叫来。 锛埲ワ級拿来 I'm going to get my hat from the other room. 我要到另一个房间去拿我的帽子。 理解, 听到, 学得 Did you get what I mean? 你明白我的意思了吗? 感染上, 得锛埐★級 I've got a bad cold. 我得了重感冒。 抓住, 击中
