英语频道小编Debby整理了英语单词generalissimo的学习资料,关于generalissimo是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括generalissimo的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,generalissimo的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词generalissimo相关的信息。 generalissimo英[ˌdʒenrə'lɪsɪməʊ]美[ˌdʒenrə'lɪsɪmoʊ]n.大元帅,最高统帅网络总指挥;大元帅;委员长;最高统帅 词形变化: 复数:generalissimos 双语例句更多资料 1 . The Generalissimo 's prolonged stay here is not of our doing. 总司令在此久留不是我们的责任. 来自辞典例句 2 . Both the Russians and the United States, therefore, helped the generalissimo . 于是俄国人和美国都帮了蒋介石的忙. 3 . People believed that the generalissimo could not fight without American help. 大家知道,没有美国的援助,蒋介石是无力进行战争的. 4 . But Kao got no satisfaction from the generalissimo either. 然而,他也没有从委员长那里得到任何满意的回答. 5 . WHEN World War II ended, Generalissimo Chiang Kai - shek must have been content. 第二次世界大战结束时, 蒋介石趾高气扬,不可一世. 语源early 17th cent.: Italian, having greatest authority, superlative of generale(see general)网络释义 -generalissimo1 . 总指挥 实用称呼英文昵称 QQ昵称 ... 总干事 secretary-general; commissioner 总指挥 commander-in-chief; generalissimo总领事 consul-general. 2 . 大元帅 4. 上等兵generalissimo大元帅, 大帅squad leader 班长 3 . 委员长 ...风俗称呼蒋中正为委员长乃至中国之外的西方全国人平易近;分外是美国人亦风俗称呼蒋中正为Gimo其一词也为委员长(Generalissimo)的英文简称百姓当局军事委员会为中国百姓党主导之中华平易近国百姓当局的最高军事构造。 4 . 最高统帅 Eskimo 爱斯基摩人generalissimo大元帅,总司令,最高统帅majordomo 大管家,总管家,管事人 相关词条+generalissimo chiang kai-shek1 . 总统蒋介石 获诺贝尔和平奖was awarded the nobel peace prize总统蒋介石generalissimo chiang kai-shek避开公众的注意shied away from the limelight +the generalissimo1 . 这位委员长 foreign correspondents reported that his soldiers had shot down and killed unarmed bankers , lawyers , teachers , students and farmers on the island of formosa , and the generalissimo reproved the reporters for making misstatements that might alter the fr +Zhude generalissimo1 . 朱德总司令 Zhude generalissimo lead to build the red hydropower plant for supply xibaipo with electic power朱德总司令领建红色水电厂供电西柏坡 +quarters of generalissimo1 . 大元帅府 the quarters of generalissimo sun yat - sen ., 孙中山大元帅府. |