英语频道小编Abby整理了英语单词fresco的学习资料,关于fresco是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括fresco的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,fresco的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词fresco相关的信息。 fresco英[ˈfreskəʊ]美[ˈfreskoʊ]n.壁画;温壁画技法,湿壁画v.在…作壁画;用壁画法画出;作壁画 网络壁画;清新的;有朝气地;朝气蓬勃的 词形变化: 复数:frescos 复数:frescoes 派生词:frescoed 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . Of course, pigment is not the only part of a fresco . 当然, 颜料还不是画面的全部. 2 . And a large - scale fresco painting is chosen for the Pudong International Airport. 其中大型壁画成为浦东国际机场的当选产品. 3 . A fresco showing festivities of Tibet in the Potala Palace. 布达拉宫内反映西藏节庆活动的壁画. 4 . They are precious artworks integrated with technology, including ornaments and fresco paintings. 摆件、挂幅、壁画规格齐全,是融科技 、 艺术为一体的传世精品. 5 . Part of a wall painting here, a bit of a fresco there. 墙上这一部分是油画, 那一小部分是壁画. 同义词 painting 语源late 16th cent.: Italian, literally cool, fresh. The word was first recorded in the phrase in fresco, representing Italian affresco, al frescoon the fresh (plaster) 图片行业释义网络释义 旅游1.壁画 法律1.壁画 -fresco1 . 壁画 ...plete failure)(考) 反义词:a notable success(显著成功)(记) 和fresco(壁画)一起记(例) The party was totally a fiasco. 2 . 清新的 ...frescamente〔意〕新鲜地,清新地,清爽地。fresco〔意〕新鲜的,清新的,清爽的。fret〔英〕吉他等弦乐器指板上的品档子。. 3 . 有朝气地 ...有生气地(Con spirito)br/柔和、甜美地(Dolce)br/哀伤地(Dolente)br/优美高雅地(Elegante)br/欢庆地(Festivo)br/有朝气地(Fresco)br/葬礼地(Funebre)br/诙谐地(Giocoso)br/雄伟地(Grandioso)br/纯洁的(Innccente)br/阴郁地(Lugubre)br/哭泣地(Largemoso)br/高贵. 4 . 朝气蓬勃的 ff 很强fresco朝气蓬勃的,清新的french horn 圆号,法国号 相关词条+frescoes are1 . 壁画是 The Dunhuang frescoes are gems of ancient Chinese art., 敦煌壁画是我国古代艺术中的瑰宝. +queso fresco1 . 鲜乳酪 满就送全新塑封-自耕自食.奇迹的一年/芭芭拉.金索夫/天下 ... 谢弗瑞山羊奶乳酪 chevre 鲜乳酪queso fresco 10 契欧加甜菜根 Chioggia beet. +paint frescos1 . 画壁画 P >★ Tempera was used to paint frescos hundreds of years ago ., 数百年前蛋彩画颜料被用来画壁画. +grave fresco1 . 汉墓壁画 Xuzhou stone relief in the Han Dynasty , as a form of the grave fresco , expresses the beauty of the internal and symbolic spirit through the erode and childish external picture .徐州汉画像石作为汉墓壁画的一种形式,通过稚拙的外在“象”体现出内在的象征性的“意”之美。 |