英语频道小编Aurora整理了英语单词fortify的学习资料,关于fortify是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括fortify的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,fortify的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词fortify相关的信息。 fortify英[ˈfɔ:tɪfaɪ]美[ˈfɔ:rtɪfaɪ]vt.加强,增强;增加营养物;使体力增加;鼓励,使(意志等)坚定vi.构筑防御工事 网络加强;增强;设防于;加固 词形变化: 过去式:fortified 过去式:fortified 过去式:fortifying 过去式:fortifies 派生词:fortifiable fortifier 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . This country will fortify the coastal areas. 该国将加强沿海地区的防御. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2 . His declared agenda is to raise standards in schools, fortify parent power and decentralise control. 他公布的计划旨在提高学校办学标准,加强家长权力,分散管理。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . They will be laying on liquid refreshment to fortify brides-to-be for the shopping extravaganza ahead. 他们将为准新娘们准备些酒,好让她们接下来有充沛精力疯狂购物。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Would you care for some tea, or even a light meal, to fortify yourself before your adventure? 你要不要喝点儿茶,或吃点儿便餐,好在冒险之前增加一点儿体力? 来自柯林斯例句 5 . Would I be willing to call on them to fortify their morale? 我是否愿意去看看他们,给他们打打气? 来自辞典例句 同义词vt.1.增强,加强;加固”释义下的同义词 strengthen brace invigorate reinforce 语源late Middle English: from French fortifier, from late Latin fortificare, from Latin fortisstrong英英释义网络释义vern1.make strong or stronger; This exercise will strengthen your upper body 2.enclose by or as if by a fortification 3.prepare oneself for a military confrontation; The U.S. is girding for a conflict in the Middle East 4.add nutrients to; fortified milk 5.add alcohol beverages -fortify1 . 加强 ...strength(使变稀薄减少浓度/ 使虚弱减少力量)反义词: invigorate(使有活力 ); fortify(加强)(同) n. debilitation(例) Heat debilitates many peopl. 2 . 增强 ...lace; fort)(记) fort 作为词根意为'坚、强 ';(同) 参考:forte(特长); fortify(增强) 3 . 设防于 fortified 加强的fortify设防于- 基于25个网页 4 . 加固 图文2010年5月5日 - LOL玩家对召唤师技能“加固”的分析 , 加固(Fortify):使所有友军炮台变成无敌... LOL玩家对召唤师技能“加固”的分析加固(Fortify):使所有友军炮台变成无. 相关词条+fortified structure1 . 碉堡 forte 要塞fortified structure 碉堡Fortin barometer 福丁气压表 +food fortifier1 . 食品强化剂 food contamination 食品污染food fortifier 食品强化剂food grain other than wheat and rice 杂粮 +fortified wine1 . 加强葡萄酒 葡萄酒种类中英文对照 - 种类 - 酣畅坊 - P... ... Botrytised wine:贵腐葡萄酒 Fortified wine:加强葡萄酒Flavored wine:加香葡萄酒. 2 . 加烈葡萄酒 加烈葡萄酒(Fortified Wine):强化性酒精的葡萄汁加入酵母后,待其发酵时再添加白兰地,一方面杀死酒中的酵母以提高甜度;另一方面提高酒精含量,然后经过有. +fortified acid1 . 强化酸 fortification 强化fortified acid 强化酸fortified acid storage 强化酸液槽 |