英语频道小编Aurora整理了英语单词foreshadowing的学习资料,关于foreshadowing是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括foreshadowing的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,foreshadowing的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词foreshadowing相关的信息。 foreshadowing美[fɔ:'ʃædoʊɪŋ]v.预示,是…的先兆( foreshadow的现在分词 );伏笔网络铺垫;伏笔;铺垫作用 双语例句 1 . Writers use foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense. 作者使用伏笔去创造兴趣或设立悬念. 2 . This part of contents do foreshadowing for following chapter two and three. 这一部分内容为其后的第二章和第三章做铺垫作用. 3 . These works lasted until 2004 and were potential foreshadowing for the creation of Mermaid Series. 这些创作一直持续到2004年,为他以后美人鱼的变形作了一个潜在的铺垫. 4 . Chapter Two, is the theory of international trade, which makes essential foreshadowing for the following study. 第二章, 介绍国际贸易理论, 为我们后面的研究做了必要的铺垫. 5 . Finally, according to previous knowledge of foreshadowing, a settlement confidential data transmission methods. 最后根据前面知识的铺垫, 提出了一种解决传输保密数据的方法. 英英释义网络释义noun1.the act of providing vague advance indications; representing beforehand 2.indistinctly prophetic -foreshadowing1 . 铺垫 在线英汉-汉英科技大词典 ... foresetslope前积坡 foreshadowing铺垫预测 foreshaftsinking上部井筒凿井. 2 . 伏笔 伏笔 foreshadowing又称“伏脉”、“伏线”。指行文时预先在前文对将要出现的人物或者事件作出某些提示、暗...林纾《春觉斋论文·用伏笔》还说用伏笔,“是阳. 3 . 铺垫作用 This part of contents do foreshadowingfor following chapter two and three ., 这一部分内容为其后的第二章和第三章做铺垫作用. 相关词条+as foreshadows1 . 作为铺垫 as foreshadows , the Introduction gives a brief narration on the selection of the subject , key definitions , relevant theories , and analytical framework .作为铺垫,绪论对选题、概念、文献与理论分析框架等问题进行基本的简略陈述。 +foreshadowing to1 . 伏笔去 Writers use foreshadowing to create interest and to build suspense ., 作者使用伏笔去创造兴趣或设立悬念. +they foreshadow1 . 它们预示 Indeed , they foreshadow the artist ' s drive to assemble objects into auction spectaculars ., 确实 , 它们预示作家将普通物体组装成拍卖展览品的行为. +clouds foreshadow1 . 云预示 Those black clouds foreshadow a storm ., 那些乌云预示着暴风雨. |