英语频道小编Helena整理了英语单词forcedly的学习资料,关于forcedly是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括forcedly的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,forcedly的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词forcedly相关的信息。 forcedly美['fɔ:stlɪ]adv.强迫地,硬网络强迫地;竭力;硬不硬碰;强制地 双语例句 1 . Over 110,033 people were forcedly taken East of the Dnestr. 超过110033人被强制带到德涅斯特河东部. 2 . Differentia : Flesh of refrigerant box outfit is soft put in, take forcedly . 不同点:冷冻箱装肉是软的放进去, 硬的拿出来. 3 . Actually a lot of advertisement advocate the seminal video that make is chosen forcedly . 其实很多广告主做的种子视频都是硬推的. 4 . They replace change clothes of wealthy businessman bath, put him forcedly into bier. 他们替富商沐浴更衣, 硬把他放入棺材. 5 . The woman is besieged by conflagration the barbecue has been forcedly very tragic in the balcony. 女子被大火困在阳台活活烧烤太惨了. 网络释义 -forcedly1 . 强迫地 forced 被迫的forcedly强迫地forceful 有力的 2 . 竭力 张采强名字怎么样_张采强名字解释_张采强名字测试 ... ... 勉强〖dowithdifficulty〗 竭力;尽力〖forcedly〗 另见jiàng;qiáng. 3 . 硬不硬碰 Dare touch touch forcedly, walk along straight line abduct to be bent alive ;, 敢碰硬不硬碰 , 走直道拐活弯; 4 . 强制地 forcedlubrication 加压润滑, forcedly强制地, forcedlubricator 强制润滑器 相关词条+were forcedly1 . 被强制 Over 110,033 people were forcedly taken East of the Dnestr ., 超过 110033 人被强制带到德涅斯特河东部. +forcedly air-cooled1 . 强制风冷式 forcedly air-cooled engine强制风冷式发动机 +disconnect trunk forcedly1 . 强拆中继 in强拆 forced release强拆中继disconnect trunk forcedly强占比特位 robbed bit position强制闭锁 forced blocking强制大写 force uppercase强制倒换 forced switch强制. +forcedly air-cooled engine1 . 强制风冷式发动机 forcedly air-cooled engine 强制风冷式发动机收藏反馈 8. wind cooling 风冷收藏反馈 9. air condenser 空气电容器,空气凝汽器,风冷式冷凝器. |