英语频道小编Jastine整理了英语单词folksy的学习资料,关于folksy是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括folksy的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,folksy的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词folksy相关的信息。 folksy英[ˈfəʊksi]美[ˈfoʊksi]adj.和气的;有民间风味的;友好的;无拘束的网络和气的;有民间风味的;低调的;亲民的 双语例句同反义词 1 . They wanted the store to have a folksy small-town image. 他们希望这家商店具有小城镇那种朴实热情的形象。 来自《权威词典》 2 . His folksy manner has endeared him to his neighbors. 他平易近人的态度使他受到邻居们的喜爱. 3 . He was a folksy aged man, who had studied in Czechoslovakia once. 那是位待人和气的中年人, 留学捷克斯洛伐克. 4 . But aides say his folksy style endear him to Middle America. 但布什的助手们称,他那自然无拘束的风格倒是深受美国中产阶级的喜爱. 5 . Jokes like that are part of my folksy charm. 那样的笑话是我草根性魅力的一部分. 同义词 earthy social英英释义网络释义noun1.characteristic of country life; cracker-barrel philosophy 2.very informal and familiar; a folksy radio commentator -folksy1 . 和气的 folksay 俗话folksy和气的folktale 民间故事 2 . 有民间风味的 and from the window of the public recreation center, Dvorak's(德沃夏克,十九世纪下半叶捷克著名的音乐家)folksy(有民间风味的)symphonies are recounted with. 3 . 低调的 folksyhumor ; a folksystyle that masked a keen business mind低调的幽默;以低调的形式掩盖着一种强烈的商业念头 4 . 亲民的 here. Just talk to Toby before you do anything.18. folksy:亲民的BARTLET: Jokes like that are part of my folksycha. 相关词条+a folksy1 . 以低调 folksy humor ; a folksy style that masked a keen business mind低调的幽默;以低调的形式掩盖着一种强烈的商业念头 +folksy manner1 . 平易近人的态度 His folksy manner has endeared him to his neighbors ., 他平易近人的态度使他受到邻居们的喜爱. +folksy wisdom1 . 民间智慧 the letter was peppered with the usual mix of witticismscore investment advice and folksy wisdom .像往年一样,巴菲特这封信中也包含着俏皮话、中肯的投资建议和民间智慧。 +my folksy1 . 我草根性 Jokes like that are part of my folksy charm ., 那样的笑话是我草根性魅力的一部分. |