英语频道小编Alva整理了英语单词flocculate的学习资料,关于flocculate是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括flocculate的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,flocculate的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词flocculate相关的信息。 flocculate英['flɒkjʊleɪt]美['flɒkjəleɪt]v.絮凝,絮结网络絮凝物;絮聚 词形变化: 过去式:flocculated 过去式:flocculated 过去式:flocculating 过去式:flocculates 派生词:flocculation 双语例句更多资料 1 . As a result, the colloidal particles flocculate as large, less dense aggregates are more easily filtered. 胶粒过大, 就发生絮凝,低密度聚合的胶粒,容易过滤. 语源late 19th cent.: from modern Latin flocculusfloccule + -ate英英释义行业释义网络释义vern1.cause to become a fluffy or lumpy aggregate; The chemist flocculated the suspended material 2.form into an aggregated lumpy or fluffy mass; the protoplasms flocculated 化工1.絮凝物 林学1.絮浆 -flocculate1 . 絮凝物 ...ng float环形耢, pasture float with spiral bars 螺杆牧场耢]flocculate凝聚,絮凝物flocculent 絮凝的 2 . 絮聚 2. 絮凝剂,絮聚剂flocculate絮凝,絮聚flocculation 絮凝(作用),絮聚(作用). 相关词条+flocculent1 . 絮凝的 flocculation value 凝结值flocculent 絮凝的flooding 溢流液阻现象 +flocculation1 . 絮凝 ...使混悬剂处于稳定状态。混悬微粒形成疏松聚集体的过程称为絮凝(flocculation),加入的电解质称为絮凝剂. 2 . 凝聚 floating speed 浮动速率flocculation 凝聚flood tide 涨潮 +flocculator1 . 絮凝器 flocculation 絮凝flocculator 絮凝器floccule 絮凝物;绒毛状沉淀 +flocculant1 . 絮凝剂 floc 絮凝物flocculant 凝聚剂,絮凝剂flocculant aid 凝聚助剂,絮凝助剂 2 . 凝聚剂 floating zone melting 悬浮区域熔炼flocculant 凝聚剂flocculation 凝聚 |