英语频道小编Angelina整理了英语单词flavone的学习资料,关于flavone是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括flavone的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,flavone的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词flavone相关的信息。 flavone英['fleɪvəʊn]美['fleɪvoʊn]n.黄酮网络黄酮;黄碉;黄酮的;黄酮〔天然色素 双语例句更多资料 1 . Flavonoids of Patrinia Scabiosaefolia Fisch are mainly flavone and flavonol including rutin. 黄花败黄酮类化合物主要是黄酮和黄酮醇两类,其中含有芦丁成分. 2 . Objetive: Optimization of extract processing of the total flavone in Acanthopanax. 目的: 优化刺五加中总黄酮的提取工艺. 3 . Consequently, the total flavone content of fructus aurantii immaturus reaches 70 % . 3. 从而使枳实总黄酮的含量达到了70%. 4 . Objective To study the extraction processes of Ginkgo flavone Folium Ginkgo. 目的研究银杏叶中黄酮的提取工艺,为黄酮的提取分离提供依据. 5 . The flavone glycoside content in walnut benevolence is 0. 测定核桃仁隔膜中黄酮苷含量为0. 语源late 19th cent.: from Latin flavusyellow + -one行业释义网络释义 化学1.黄酮 医学1.黄酮:无色结晶状物质,4-酮基系类黄酮,能逆转已增加的毛细血管脆性。许多有相似性质的黄色染料都由它衍化而来 1.黄酮 植物学1.黄酮 -flavone1 . 黄酮 ...saponin,和黄酮类化合物,如黄酮,flavone,以一种黄色或白色粉状物分布于报春花属一些种类的叶和花等的表面,此外还有花白苷,leuco-anth. 2 . 黄碉 flavin enzyme 黄素酶flavone黄碉flavoprotein 黄素蛋白 3 . 黄酮的 paper , the total contents of flavonewere determined in flos sophorae and fructus sophorae by capillary electrochromatography .采用毛细管电色谱法测定了槐花、槐角中总黄酮的含量。 4 . 黄酮〔天然色素 【食品词典】F4 ... flavology (食品)风味学 flavone黄酮〔天然色素〕 flavonold 黄酮类化合物;拟维生素 P类〔存在于果蔬、花、树皮等中的一类天然色素〕. 相关词条+total flavones1 . 中总黄酮 the extraction of total flavones from grosvenor momordica with ultrasonic was studied . the ethanol concentration , extraction time and material-solution ratio were investigated .研究以水、水-乙醇混合溶剂为提取剂,在超声波条件下提取罗汉果中总黄酮的工艺条件,探讨乙醇浓度、提取时间、料液比对提取得率的影响。 +48 flavones1 . 48个黄酮类化合物 support vector regression ( SVR ) , a powerful machine learning technology learning theory ( SLT ) was applied to QSAR on the aldose reductase inhibitory activity of 48 flavones .用支持向量机回归(SVR)方法研究了48个黄酮类化合物醛糖还原酶抑制活性的定量构效关系。 +flavone synthase1 . 黄酮合酶 ...黄酮合酶(flavone synthase;EC number|在酶学中在酶学中是一个催化如下化学反应的酶。:黄烷酮 + α-酮戊二酸 + O2 ightleftharpoons 黄酮 + 琥珀酸 + CO2 + H2O. +flavone and1 . 黄酮和 determination of total flavone and microelements from dissepiment of walnut ., 核桃隔膜总黄酮和微量元素的测定. |