英语频道小编Amanda整理了英语单词flagrantly的学习资料,关于flagrantly是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括flagrantly的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,flagrantly的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词flagrantly相关的信息。 flagrantly美['fleɪɡrəntlɪ]adv.罪恶昭彰地;千真万确地,极恶地;悍然;横加网络千真万确地;明目张胆;横加;露骨地 双语例句 1 . It is a situation where basic human rights are being flagrantly abused. 这种情形是对基本人权的公然践踏。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . He is flagrantly disregarding the law. 他悍然漠视法律. 3 . The dance often becomes flagrantly obscene. 舞蹈经常变得极其猥亵. 4 . The other side flagrantly scrapped the agreement. 对方悍然撕毁协议. 5 . To restore an unfavorable situation, Zheng Yan Yu flagrantly 131,133 hand - out, fight back against White. 为挽回不利局面, 郑岩131、133手悍然愚形出动, 对白棋展开反击. 网络释义 -flagrantly1 . 千真万确地 2009年11月6日 - protection for consumers and those who argue that copyright law is still being flagrantly(千真万确地) disregarded by millions of computer users. 2 . 明目张胆 喻矛盾之深明睁大眼míngzhēng-dàyǎnflagrantly明目张胆明正典刑míngzhèng-diǎnxíngcarry out a capital punishmentexecute lawfully 依照法典公开处罚. 3 . 横加 flagrantly(横加), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 4 . 露骨地 flagrantlyinterfere in the internal affairs of another country ., 露骨地干涉别国内政. 相关词条+flagrantly interfere1 . 露骨地干涉 flagrantly interfere in the internal affairs of another country ., 露骨地干涉别国内政. +he is flagrantly1 . 他悍然 he is flagrantly disregarding the law .他悍然漠视法律。 +cheat flagrantly1 . 明目张胆地欺骗 cheat diplomatically 有策略地欺骗cheat flagrantly 明目张胆地欺骗cheat infernally 坏透了地欺骗 +becomes flagrantly1 . 变得极其 The dance often becomes flagrantly obscene ., 舞蹈经常变得极其猥亵. |