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vt.& vi.感觉,觉得;认为,以为;触摸
过去式:felt  过去式:felt  过去式:feeling  过去式:feels  

1 . I know it's nothing serious and I feel quite unemotional about it.



2 . I feel it's done me good to get it off my chest.



3 . I've gotten my feet thoroughly soaked and feel frozen through and through.



4 . He doesn't feel he is cut out to be a leader.



5 . I always feel at home at Ye Olde Starre Inn.




feel one's age

1 . 感到自己衰老

feel free (to do something)

2 . [常用作邀请、安慰]请随便

feel like (doing) something

3 . 想拥有;想做

feel one's oats1. I feel like celebrating.我想庆祝一下。feel the pinch1. I feel like celebrating.我想庆祝一下。feel the pulse of1. I feel like celebrating.我想庆祝一下。feel small1. I feel like celebrating.我想庆祝一下。feel strange1. I feel like celebrating.我想庆祝一下。get a (或 the) feel for (或 of)

4 . 习惯于;熟悉

have a feel for

5 . 能欣赏;能理解

make oneself (或 one's presence) felt

6 . 让别人感到自己的存在;显现

feel out

7 . 探听:细心或间接地努力去认识某事物的特征或本性

feel up 【粗俗用语】【俚语】

8 . 挑逗,调情:带有性欲地触摸或抚摸(某人)


feel in (one's) bones

1 . 对…的直觉

feel like【非正式用语】

2 . 想做…:具有…的倾向或欲望

feel like (oneself)

3 . 感觉自在;沉着:感到自己处于正常的身体或精神状态下

语源Old English fēlan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch voelenand German fühlen英英释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.an intuitive awareness;

he has a feel for animals or it's easy when you get the feel of it;

2.the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people;

the feel of the city excited him

3.a property perceived by touch

4.manual-genital stimulation for sexual pleasure;

the girls hated it when he tried to sneak a feel


1.undergo an emotional sensation;

She felt resentful

2.come to believe on the basis of emotion, intuitions, or indefinite grounds;

I feel that he doesn't like me

3.perceive by a physical sensation, e.g., coming from the skin or muscles;

He felt the wind

4.seem with respect to a given sensation given;

My cold is gone--I feel fine today

5.have a feeling or perception about oneself in reaction to someone's behavior or attitude;

She felt small and insignificant

6.undergo passive experience of:"We felt the effects of inflation";

her fingers felt their way through the string quartet

7.be felt or perceived in a certain way;

The ground feels shaky

8.grope or feel in search of something;

He felt for his wallet

9.examine by touch;

Feel this soft cloth!

10. examine (a body part) by palpation;

The nurse palpated the patient's stomach

11. find by testing or cautious exploration;

He felt his way around the dark room

12. produce a certain impression;

It feels nice to be home again

13. pass one's hands over the sexual organs of;

He felt the girl in the movie theater


1 . 感觉到

...的 is、are、am、was、were 和 will be之外,我们也可以用 look(看起来),feel(感觉到),sound(听起来)和 taste(味道)来与形容词配合。

2 . 感觉


3 . 感到


4 . 觉得


相关词条+feeling …

1 . 陈情调

but let's back feeling … about this : workflow must be a standard , and most importantly , must be a business card printing and membership card maker of real-world systems .但是让我们重陈情调一下:处事历程务必是尺量的,并且最重给的是务必是制卡和会员卡制息者本质搁置的编制。

+feel frightened feel afraid

1 . 感到害怕

害怕什么意思_有道词典 ... 别害怕 Don't Panic ; Don't be afraid,just be yourself ; Don't be afraid ; Dont be afraid 感到害怕strike fear into ; feel frightened ; feel frightened feel afraid ; be frightened 害怕. be terrified of.

+To feel these feelings

1 . 感觉着这一切

To feel these feelings 感觉着这一切Like i do, and i blame you! 像我...“No one knows what is like to be hated,to be defeated,behind blue.

+feel feel

1 . 感觉到心情

when you are happy , she would immediately turn around to your to go around , jumping up and down , make you feel feel good ;当您高兴时,她会立刻围绕在您的身边转来转去,跳上跳下,令您感觉到心情愉悦;

1.He literally bumped into Ziggy feeling up the prettiest girl at the party in a dark damp corner.


2.He gave her a feel,and she pulled away.



基本介绍 由韩国Angames公司开发的恋爱网络游戏《Feel》是一款专门为想在网络上谈恋爱的男女准备的网络游戏,在形式上和单机模拟恋爱游戏相似。不同的是,玩家所要交往的对方并不是人工智能或假想角色,而是实际存在的人。基本步骤 (1)创建自己的角色,在广场和其他玩家聊天。 (2)发现心仪的异性,加为好友。 (3)双方同意成为朋友,就可玩游戏中的多种约会或活动。 (4)进行约会 (5)约会结束后评价对方。若双方都给对方好评,爱情
