先兆的英文: The aura is perhaps the most talked about of the phases. Moral corruption is the forerunner of national decline. Coming events cast their shadows before It is said to be an omen of misfortune. An evil omen;a portent. These faculae frequently are the forerunners of sunspot formation Some strokes occur without advance notice Some respiratory symptoms can be the forerunners of asthma. By developing a sight for aura you will be able to check both physical and mental health. A condition of hypertension occurring in pregnancy,typically accompanied by edema and proteinuria. n. 禾秆;麦管,稻草编织品;鸡毛蒜皮;用以作掩护的人,浅黄色 adj. 禾秆的;浅黄色的,无价值的,稻草人般的;假的 The tick is straw. Glass should be packed in straw. A drowning man will clutch at a straw n. 风;吞下的气 v. 曲折而行;缠绕;使喘大气 The wind is blustering. Wind power: Use of the energy in winds to produce power. wind energy potential n. 预感,先兆,预兆 She had a sinister foreboding that the plane would crash. The sailor's wife had a foreboding that he would not return The sailor's wife had a foreboding that he would not return. |