英语频道小编Helen整理了英语单词fastidiousness的学习资料,关于fastidiousness是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括fastidiousness的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,fastidiousness的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词fastidiousness相关的信息。 fastidiousness美[fæ'stɪdɪrsnəs]n.挑剔;讲究;严格;一丝不苟网络严格;过分考究;难取悦;爱挑剔的毛 双语例句同反义词 1 . Quietly elegant perfume, delicacy without fastidiousness, makes females even more charming. 雅而不俗的淡雅香水, 尽显女性魅力. 2 . He swiftly lost the fastidiousness which had characterized his old life. 巴克很快便失去了往日那种过分讲究的生活作风. 3 . I want you to overcome your fastidiousness . 我要你克服你的爱挑剔的毛病. 同义词 precision网络释义 -fastidiousness1 . 严格 fastidiously 一丝不苟地fastidiousness严格fastidium 无聊 2 . 过分考究 Delicacy of character or feeling ; fastidiousness; scrupulousness ., 精致 , 慎重无误性格或感情的细腻精致 ; 过分考究 ; 谨慎. 3 . 难取悦 接近fast-moving的字词 ... fastidious 难取悦的,挑剔的,苛求的 fastidiously 非常讲究地,一丝不苟地 fastidiousness难取悦. 4 . 爱挑剔的毛 I want you to overcome your fastidiousness., 我要你克服你的爱挑剔的毛. 相关词条+fastidious microorganism1 . 苛求菌 腐生菌 saprophytic bacteria苛求菌fastidious microorganism极端细菌 extreme bacteria +fastidious women1 . 讲究的女士 they concluded that mycobacterial infection had occurred in these overly fastidious women due to voluntary suppression of cough .他们的结论是:分枝杆菌感染总是发生在那些过分讲究的女士,是因为她们总是自主的抑制咳嗽。 +fastidious customer1 . 挑剔的用户 in the field of mass , service , price system , even the most fastidious customer , also be full of praise .在质量、服务、价格体系方面,即使最挑剔的用户,也都赞叹不已。 +fastidious about1 . 过于挑剔 she is so fastidious about her food that i never invite her for dinner ., 她对食物过于挑剔, 因此我从不请她吃饭. |