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过去式:fell  过去式:fallen  过去式:falling  过去式:falls  

1 . Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

2 . Here's an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall .



3 . Over a given period, the value of shares will rise and fall .



4 . I hope that our appeals will not fall on deaf ears.



5 . He had wrenched his ankle badly from the force of the fall .




fall between two stools

1 . 见 stool

fall foul (或主北美a foul)of

2 . 与…冲突;遭…破坏

fall in (或 into) line

3 . 与他人一致;符合行为规范

fall in (或 out of) love (with someone)fall into place

4 . (一系列事件或事实)开始明晰(或衔接)起来

fall on stony ground1. once he knew what to look for, the theory fell quickly into place.一旦他明白要找的东西,这理论很快就派上用场了。fall over oneself to do something

5 . (非正式)极想做某事

fall short (of)

6 . (导弹)未击中目标

fall to piecesfall victim totake the fall

7 . (北美,非正式)代人受过;当替罪羊

fall about

8 . (英,非正式)抑制不住地大笑

fall apart (或 to pieces)

9 . 结束;分裂;解体;崩溃

fall back on

10 . (困难时)求助于;依靠

fall for informal 非正式

11 . 被…迷住;爱上

fall on (或 upon)

12 . 猛攻;突袭

fall apart

13 . 破坏;倒塌

fall away

14 . 背弃:收回友谊或支持

fall back

15 . 退回;撤退

fall behind

16 . 落后:跟不上步伐;落后

fall down

17 . 失败:未能达到预想;在成就上落后

fall for

18 . 爱上:感到爱慕

fall in

19 . 集合:军队里集合

fall off

20 . 变少;降低

fall on 或 fall upon

21 . 攻击:突然猛烈地打击

fall out

22 . 离队

fall through

23 . 失败:失败;成为泡影

fall to

24 . 开始:积极地着手去做


fall back on 或 fall back upon

1 . 依赖

fall between (the) two stools

2 . 失之交臂:在可供选择的两个当中因未能协调一致或未能作出正确的决定而失败

fall flat

3 . 沮丧:因未能获得预期成就而沮丧

fall foul 或 fall afoul

4 . 【航海】抵触:相撞,用于船只

fall from grace

5 . 经历地位或声誉的降低

fall into line

6 . 保持一致:坚持保持成规或预先确定的行动方案

fall in with

7 . 同意:与…达成默契

fall on deaf ears

8 . 完全忽视

fall over backward 或 fall over backwards

9 . 过度加压:强迫自己做或完成某任务

fall over (oneself)

10 . 过度地表现出狂热,尤指感情横溢的

fall prey to

11 . 被困:陷入困境,有遭受迫害、毁灭或侵袭的危险

fall short

12 . 变得不足:在数量或程度上变得不足

fall through the cracks

13 . 未加注意、疏忽、未加检查而通过

同义词vt.1.跌倒;毁坏;挫败”释义下的同义词 ruin defeat destroy overthrow vi.2.落下;下降;跌倒”释义下的同义词 tumble descend drop sink collapse fail plunge swoop topple n.3.瀑布;假发”释义下的同义词 hairpiece wig 4.秋天”释义下的同义词 autumn 5.落下;滑倒”释义下的同义词 slip lapse 反义词vi.1.落下;下跌”释义下的同义词 ascend risen.2.跌倒;下降;秋天”释义下的同义词 rise spring 语源Old English fallan, feallan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch vallenand German fallen; the noun is partly from the verb, partly from Old Norse falldownfall, sin英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.the season when the leaves fall from the trees;

in the fall of 1973

2.a sudden drop from an upright position;

he had a nasty spill on the ice

3.a downward slope or bend

4.a lapse into sin; a loss of innocence or of chastity;

a fall from virtue

5.a sudden decline in strength or number or importance;

the fall of the House of Hapsburg

6.a movement downward;

the rise and fall of the tides

7.the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions);

they were protected until the capitulation of the fort

8.the time of day immediately following sunset;

he loved the twilight

9.when a wrestler's shoulders are forced to the mat

10. a free and rapid descent by the force of gravity;

it was a miracle that he survived the drop from that height

11. a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity;

a drop of 57 points on the Dow Jones index


1.descend in free fall under the influence of gravity;

The branch fell from the tree

2.move downward and lower, but not necessarily all the way;

The temperature is going down

3.pass suddenly and passively into a state of body or mind;

fall into a trap

4.come under, be classified or included;

fall into a category

5.fall from clouds;

rain, snow and sleet were falling

6.suffer defeat, failure, or ruin;

We must stand or fall

7.decrease in size, extent, or range;

The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester

8.die, as in battle or in a hunt;

Many soldiers fell at Verdun

9.touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;

Light fell on her face

10. be captured;

The cities fell to the enemy

11. occur at a specified time or place;

Christmas falls on a Monday this year

12. yield to temptation or sin;

Adam and Eve fell

13. lose office or power;

The government fell overnight

14. to be given by assignment or distribution;

The most difficult task fell on the youngest member of the team

15. move in a specified direction;

The line of men fall forward

16. be due;

payments fall on the 1st of the month

17. lose one's chastity;

a fallen woman

18. to be given by right or inheritance;

The estate fell to the oldest daughter

19. come into the possession of;

The house accrued to the oldest son

20. fall to somebody by assignment or lot;

The task fell to me

21. be inherited by;

The estate fell to my sister

22. slope downward;

The hills around here fall towards the ocean

23. lose an upright position suddenly;

The vase fell over and the water spilled onto the table

24. drop oneself to a lower or less erect position;

She fell back in her chair

25. fall or flow in a certain way;

This dress hangs well

26. assume a disappointed or sad expression;

Her face fell when she heard that she would be laid off

27. be cast down;

his eyes fell

28. come out; issue;

silly phrases fell from her mouth

29. be born, used chiefly of lambs;

The lambs fell in the afternoon

30. begin vigorously;

The prisoners fell to work right away

31. go as if by falling;

Grief fell from our hearts

32. come as if by falling;

Night fell



2. 球降落

3. 跌倒障碍物



2. 河段两端之间的水面高程差。



2. 下降



2. 边帮局部岩体突然片落的现象。


1 . 坠落

Days later , Columbus saw a large meteor fallfrom the sky ., 几天后 , 哥伦布看见一颗大流星从天空坠落.

2 . 下降

...arket)过热,中国官员仅命令银行削减房贷(cut back on housing loans),然后随着房屋销售量下降(fall),他们提供类似更低的房屋购置税(lower taxes on home purchases)。最近几.

3 . 秋天

...的快速发达和交流,事实却证明了BrE与AmE也跟着产生交融,彼此之间的差异越来越缩小。例如AmE的“fall(秋天),OK(All right),etc.”今天在英国也很通顺,反过来BrE的“lift(升降机),sw.

4 . 落


相关词条+fall and fall fishway

1 . 阶梯式鱼道

...alternate obstacle fishway  两侧交替折流板式鱼道fall and fall fishway  阶梯式鱼道,鱼梯inclined plane fishway  斜面式鱼道

+fall for me fall

1 . 为了帖

fall for me fall for u ., 为了帖吧的人气.

+leaves fall and fall

1 . 秋叶和秋

求翻译:我的心已经乱了是什么意思? ... Don't be disappointed?I shall be on your side 别失望吗?我会在你身边 leaves fall and fall 秋叶和秋i'm not very well 我不是很好.

2 . 叶秋和下降

求翻译:我毕业于广西师范大学漓江学院是什么意思? ... more screws for red face panel,move the trans bracket on bottom less led straps » 正在翻译,请等待... leaves fall and fall » 叶秋和下降In my Complete Astrological Consultation you will find ALL the valuable information you will need to

+fall to fall , draw

1 . 落画

if be its rise and fall to fall , draw on one piece of graph , slightly computative can see , ..假如为它的起起落落画上一张曲线图,稍加推算就可以看出,.

1.Bruno and Tony pulled the job off together,but Tony took the fall.


2.Robeson set aside a percentage of his taking for fall money.


3.The best thief in the city till he fell.


4.Once he saw her,he fell.


5.This is your first fall,ain't it?



歌词及翻译(修订完整版) Ina - Fall I gave you all you desired 我愿意给你渴望的一切 All that you needed 你想要的一切 Boy, I provided 亲爱的,献上我自己 I let you into my head 请深入我的灵魂 Into my bed 上我的床 And that’s a privilege 这是你的特权 I had your back at the answers 我已经得到了你的答案 You took the dollars 你选择了钱 I took the chances 我选择了机会 Defended, battled and fought 我们争
