英语频道小编Erika整理了英语单词faithfulness的学习资料,关于faithfulness是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括faithfulness的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,faithfulness的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词faithfulness相关的信息。 faithfulness美['feɪθflnəs]n.忠诚,正确,诚实;忠忱;忠心网络信实;忠实性;忠实度;正心诚意 双语例句同反义词 1 . Dogs are emblematic of faithfulness . 狗象征着忠诚。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Matrimonial vows are to show the faithfulness of the new couple. 婚誓体现了新婚夫妇对婚姻的忠诚. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . So what makes a good marriage? Faithfulness comes out top of the list. 那么,是什么造就了美满的婚姻呢?结果表明忠诚是第一位的. 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Thus, they argue: "'Unintelligibility'resulting from faithfulness is worse than faithlessness that makes translation'intelligible '. " 故此主张 “ 与其忠实而使人看不懂,毋宁不很忠实而看得懂. ” 来自汉英文学 - 散文英译 5 . Did that really mean that there was no faithfulness, no generosity, no sacred quality? 他的失败是否就真的证明了世间没有忠信, 没有慷慨, 没有高尚的品质? 来自辞典例句 同义词 purity fidelity adhesion truth allegiance accuracy precision fealty morality virtue security网络释义 -faithfulness1 . 信实 信实(Faithfulness) 信实的希伯来文为emet与emuma,而希腊文为pistos,译作信实可靠、忠诚真实,其涵义是坚定不移、诚实可靠、完全信实、始终一贯。 一、 旧约中形容. 2 . 忠实性 优选论把语言看成是彼此冲突的力量交互作用形成的系统,这些彼此冲突的力量在OT中体现为忠实性 (faithfulness)与标记性(markedness)两类制约条件。忠实性制约条件. 3 . 忠实度 Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness., 精神的考验能够加强个性的和忠实度. 4 . 正心诚意 已解决问题 - 浏览225次 ... apple-pie order(井然有序) faithfulness(正心诚意) let youself go(好自为之). 相关词条+from faith to faith1 . 于信 for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith ; as it is written THE RIGHTEOUS man SHALL LIVE BY FAITH . " "因为神的义,正在这福音上显明出来。这义是本于信以致于信。如经上所记,义人必因信得生。 +faith is faith which1 . 信心是 saving faith is faith which apprehends Christ , his righteousness , and merits .得救的信心是唯独领悟基督,祂的义和功德。 +faith :1 . 真理行 make your way clear to me , O Lord ; I will go on my in your faith : let my heart bein the fear of your name .耶和华阿,求你将你的道指教我。我要照你的真理行。求你使我专心敬畏你的名。 +faith -1 . 信仰重建 the addicted and suffering are finding new hope through faith - based programs . vulnerable human life is better protected .沉溺于毒瘾和苦痛的人们将通过信仰重建计划获得新希望,脆弱的人类生命将获得更好的保护。 2 . 以信仰 all faith - inspired groups struggle to square the purity of dogmatism with dirtier realities .所有以信仰为支柱的群体挣扎着在主义纯洁性和越来越丑陋的现实中做到平衡. |