英语频道小编Beryl整理了英语单词eyedrops的学习资料,关于eyedrops是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括eyedrops的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,eyedrops的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词eyedrops相关的信息。 eyedrops美['aɪdrɒps]眼药水网络眼药水;滴眼剂;滴眼液;滴眼 双语例句 1 . Aim : To investigate the trill and stability of diclofenac acid - choline eyedrops . 目的: 观察双氯芬酸胆碱滴眼剂的刺激性及稳定性. 2 . Patients remain awake and the procedure is carried out using anaesthetic eyedrops . 即使在手术过程中使用麻醉眼滴,病人仍然保持清醒. 3 . The chemist will give you the eyedrops and ointment. 药剂师会给您眼药水和眼药膏. 4 . These eyedrops are very effective in treating conjunctivitis. 这种眼药水对治疗结膜炎很有效. 5 . Do you have eyedrops for red eyes? 有治疗眼睛充血的眼药水 吗 ? 网络释义 -eyedrops1 . 眼药水 ..... ... 回声草 EchoNote 眼药 Eyedrops 解毒剂 Antidote ... 5滴眼药水爱思英语编者按:滴眼药水(eyedrops),游泳会损坏牙齿?这耸人听闻吗?6眼药水,洗眼水Eye 触类旁通(又新增资料) - 博学轩 - ud. 2 . 滴眼剂 3、滴眼剂滴眼剂(eyedrops)系指药物制成供滴眼用的澄清溶液或混悬液。通常以水为溶剂,极少用油。滴眼剂可发挥杀菌、散瞳缩瞳、降低眼压、诊断以及局部麻醉等作用. 3 . 滴眼液 The treatment group was given Houttuynia eyedrops, and the control group received ofloxacin eye drops ., 治疗组给予鱼腥草滴眼液 , 对照组给予氧氟沙星滴眼液. 4 . 滴眼 A case of allergic reaction induced by fluorescein sodium eyedrops荧光素钠滴眼液引起变态反应1例 相关词条+drop eyedrop1 . 滴眼药水 What side effect does long - term drop eyedrop have ?, 长期的滴眼药水有什么副作用啊? +eyedrops and1 . 眼药水和 The chemist will give you the eyedrops and ointment ., 药剂师会给您眼药水和眼药膏. +These eyedrops1 . 这种眼药水 These eyedrops are very effective in treating conjunctivitis ., 这种眼药水对治疗结膜炎很有效. +eyedrops to1 . 眼药水来 use these eyedrops to relieve your dry eyes .用眼药水来舒缓你的乾涩眼睛. |