英语频道小编Admine整理了英语单词extroversion的学习资料,关于extroversion是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括extroversion的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,extroversion的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词extroversion相关的信息。 extroversion英[ˌekstrəʊ'vɜ:ʃən]美[ˌekstroʊ'vɜ:ʃən]n.外向,外倾网络外翻;外向性;外倾;外向 双语例句同反义词 1 . The contrast between extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial. 在外向和内向之间所作的对比完全是表面的. 来自辞典例句 2 . The oft - drawn contrast extroversion and introversion is entirely superficial. 在外向和内向之间通常所作的对比完全是表面的. 来自辞典例句 3 . A personality trait including the qualities of both introversion and extroversion . 中向性格一种包括内向和外向的性格特征. 4 . Some chinese girls are very traditional, shy and extroversion . 有的中国女孩很传统, 害羞,内向. 5 . Reporter wants the extroversion, because reporter must frequently the going out work. 记者要外向, 因为记者要经常出外工作. 反义词n.1.外向性”释义下的同义词 introversion 行业释义网络释义 体育1.外向 医学1.①外翻:同exstrophy 2.①外倾,外向:同extraversion -extroversion1 . 外翻 1. extrovertedextroversion外翻extrovertish 外向者的 2 . 外向性 ... 之为人格异常,却一向为精神医学所垄断,在心理学界,性格已被解析有神经性(neuroticism),外向性(extroversion),用心性(conscientiousness) ,同意性(agreebleness),与开放性(op. 3 . 外倾 ...。内倾者的性格是安静、富于想象、爱思考、退缩、害羞、防御性、对社会不感兴趣。另一种定势指向外部环境,称外倾(extroversion)。外倾者的性格是爱交际、好外出、坦率、随和、乐于助人、自信、冒险、易于适应环境。 4 . 外向 您要查找的是不是:extroversion外向,外倾额外的 相关词条+disposition extroversion1 . 性格外向 affinity , the disposition extroversion , has the strong communication ability and the language competence , strong public relations ability , strain capacity and negotiations ability ;亲和力强,性格外向,具有较强的沟通能力和语言表达能力,较强的公关能力、应变能力和谈判能力; +extroversion agriculture1 . 外向型农业 and development extroversion agriculture , must be with the market oriented , popularize the new breed of high grade high yield energetically , production goes out get used to the market to need …而发展外向型农业,必须以市场为导向,大力推广优质高产的新品种,生产出适应市场需… +introversion extroversion1 . 内向外向 My character is to belong to introversion extroversion all fifty - fifty !, 我的性格是属于内向外向都各半! +extroversion economy1 . 外向型经济 Economic internationalization phase is the high level that extroversion economy grows and inevitable trend ., 经济国际化阶段是外向型经济发展的高级阶段和必然趋势. |