英语频道小编Angelina整理了英语单词exhibitor的学习资料,关于exhibitor是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括exhibitor的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,exhibitor的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词exhibitor相关的信息。 exhibitor英[ɪgˈzɪbɪtə(r)]美[ɪɡˈzɪbɪtər]n.展出者;参展商网络出示证物人;展出者;提出人;用不完的 词形变化: 复数:exhibitors 双语例句 1 . Exhibitor list and its brief introduction on the Expo booklet. 会刊刊登参展商名录及简介. 2 . Provide customs applying service of imported and exported goods for exhibitor . 为展商提供进出口货物的报关服务. 3 . The exhibitor is responsible for exhibition piece packaging, shipping and insurance. 展出作品之包装 、 运送、保险,由展出者自行负责. 4 . No cancellation or compensation launched by exhibitor will be accepted. 参展商不得因上述变更为由取消合同或索取赔偿. 5 . Each exhibitor requires SEPARATE invitation letter for VISA application. 每封邀请函只供单个参展商作申请签证之用. 网络释义 -exhibitor1 . 出示证物人 1. exhilarantexhibitor出示证物人exhilarate 使高兴 2 . 展出者 prohibitor 禁止者,阻止者exhibitor参加者,展出者,电影放映者solicitor 恳求者,募捐人,初级律师 3 . 提出人 ...exhibition 陈列;展览;展览品;表演;显示exhibitor展出者;提出人exhumation 剥露 4 . 用不完的 汉英词汇250[cibo.biz整理] ... 用不完 /inexhaustibility/ 用不完的 /exhaustless/exhibitor/inconsumable/inexhaustible/unexhaustible/ 用布帘覆盖 /drape/. 相关词条+exhibitor pass1 . 参展证 ...-6个月,您会收到您所申请的摊位的帐单(Invoice),连同参展相关的服务手册(Service Package),以及参展证(Exhibitor Pass)和搭建证(Working Pass)。您需要在帐单指定日期之前,按照帐单上面的帐户详情付清相应的费用。 +exhibitors should1 . 参展商须 exhibitors should pay 50 % of the total booth rental or all paymentadvance in order to confirm your booth location .参展商须预付展台租金的50%,或一次付清全款,以落实展台位置。 +Attracting exhibitors1 . 吸引展商 Articles exhibited 参展内容Attracting exhibitors吸引展商B +overseas exhibitor1 . 境外参展商 2.6境外参展商overseas exhibitor 以境外注册企业或境外品牌名义参加展览的参展. |