英语频道小编Elsie整理了英语单词exceed的学习资料,关于exceed是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括exceed的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,exceed的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词exceed相关的信息。 exceed英[ɪkˈsi:d]美[ɪkˈsid]vt.超过;超越;胜过;越过…的界限vi.突出,领先 网络超过;超越;高出;超出 词形变化: 过去式:exceeded 过去式:exceeded 过去式:exceeding 过去式:exceeds 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . Your intake of alcohol should not exceed two units per day. 每天的饮酒量不应超过两个计量单位。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Where payments exceed these limits they become fully taxable. 付款额超过这些限度就得全部纳税. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . The speed limit is 40 miles an hour. Don't exceed this maximum. 限速每小时四十英里, 不要超过这个极限. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 4 . The expenses shall not exceed 200 yuan. 费用以200元为限. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 5 . Exports yearly exceed imports. 输出每年超过输入. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 同义词vt.1.胜过”释义下的同义词 surpass beat cap better excel top 语源late Middle English (in the sense go over (a boundary or specified point): from Old French exceder, from Latin excedere, from ex-out + cederego英英释义行业释义网络释义vern1.go beyond; Their loyalty exceeds their national bonds 2.go beyond; She exceeded our expectations 3.be or do something to a greater degree; her performance surpasses that of any other student I know 体育1.超过 -exceed1 . 超过 ...的)即ex+cess,ex-前缀“出”,cess词根“走”,故“走到范围之外的”→过量的;动词形式为exceed(超过)←ex+ceed走。The best things carried to excess are wr. 2 . 超越 exceedin 超过exceed超越exceeding 非常的 3 . 高出 名字释义 — 于尘出 ... 生产;产生〖produce〗 高出;超出〖exceed;gobeyond;surpass〗 使出;拿出;取出〖bringout;takeout〗. 4 . 超出 分类:把小山们exceed(超出)攀登还在proceed(进行) 相关词条+exceed customer1 . 超越客户 Companies always adhere to exceed customer expectations , improve customer satisfaction as the goal., 公司始终不渝坚持以超越客户期望 , 提高客户满意度为目标. +exceed expectation1 . 超越期待 exceed意思,exceed用法,exceed造句 ... Super Exceed豪华超越 Exceed Expectation超越期待;超出预期 to exceed超过. +exceed 101 . 超过10 return somebody with in last few years price rises one the fastest city ( among them two years of amplitude exceed 10 % ) for exemple , think of price rise rate is rapid .还有人以一个近几年房价上涨最快的城市(其中有两年增幅超过10%)为例,认为房价的上涨速度太快了。 +exceed personnel1 . 超编人员 ...唱双簧 play a duet----collaborate; echo each other超编人员exceed personnel超导元素 superconducting elements |