英语频道小编Helen整理了英语单词equestrian的学习资料,关于equestrian是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括equestrian的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,equestrian的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词equestrian相关的信息。 equestrian英[ɪˈkwestriən]美[ɪˈkwɛstriən]adj.骑马的,马的;骑术的;骑士团的n.骑手;骑马者;马戏演员 网络骑马的;骑马;马术运动;马术比赛 词形变化: 复数:equestrians 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . equestrian events at the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会的马术比赛项目 来自《权威词典》 2 . They all showed extraordinary equestrian skills. 他们的骑术都很高超。 来自辞典例句 3 . Only the steed and equestrian 's close coordination, can win competition's champion. 只有骏马和骑手的密切配合, 才能取得比赛的冠军. 4 . Which year was equestrian sport at the Olympic Games? 哪一年开始举办马术项目? 1912年. 5 . Introduces the Olympic Equestrian Events and fun facts about horses. 介绍奥运马术竞赛项目和马匹的有趣知识. 同义词 knight 反义词adj.1.骑马的”释义下的同义词 pedestrian 语源mid 17th cent. (as an adjective): from Latin equesterbelonging to a horseman (from equeshorseman, knight, from equushorse) + -ian行业释义网络释义 体育1.马术 旅游1.骑马者 -equestrian1 . 骑马的 Apiary(蜂房), caper(蹦跳), equestrian(骑马的), lupine(狼的,凶残的), lycanthropy(人变狼), ornithologist(. 2 . 骑马 盛装舞步就是担心社会保障格鲁吉亚equestrian,骑马equ零est建立, 设立, 安置ria河口n纳(拼). 3 . 马术运动 马术运动 Equestrian,hfbzyll@126的网易博客,朋友是一生一世的财富,... 1. 马术运动:equestriansport 2. 马术比赛:equestriancompetition event 3. 障碍赛:hurdle. 4 . 马术比赛 equestrianevents will be held here ., 马术比赛的赛事将在这里举行. 相关词条+equestrian cloud1 . 马云 the necessary content that spirit of entrepreneur of equestrian cloud speak bluntly overcomes economic crisis ., 马云直言企业家精神克服经济危机的必备内容. +equestrian park1 . 赛马场 骑术 horsemanship赛马场equestrian park国际象棋 (international) chess +equestrian club1 . 马术俱乐部 utopia Resort , from east to west , is arranged as : conference center , holiday business hotels , conference suits , team expanded training base , water golf , and equestrian club .桃花源度假区由东至西依次为:会议中心、假日商务酒店、会议单元、团队拓展训练基地、水上高尔夫练习场、马术俱乐部。 +equestrian events1 . 马术赛事 hosting the olympics equestrian events in hong kong ., 在香港举行奥运会的马术赛事. |