英语频道小编Debby整理了英语单词entrench的学习资料,关于entrench是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括entrench的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,entrench的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词entrench相关的信息。 entrench英[ɪn'trentʃ]美[ɛnˈtrɛntʃ]v.用壕沟围绕或保护…;牢固地确立…;挖掘壕沟n.壕沟;防御设施 网络保卫;以壕沟防护;确立;挖壕沟以保护 词形变化: 过去式:entrenched 过去式:entrenched 过去式:entrenching 过去式:entrenches 派生词:entrenchment 双语例句更多资料 1 . To hold on stubbornly, as to a position; entrench oneself. 固执地坚持立场; 稳固自己的地位. 2 . Indeed, it could entrench certain people's view of themselves as anti - Western outsiders. 它的确会让某种人树立这么一种信念,认为自己就是 反 西方的局外人. 3 . Will the economic crisis force change, or entrench privilege? 经济危机会推动改变, 还是保护特权? 4 . A new year looks sure entrench old resentments. 新的一年看起来会让不满持续下去. 5 . They entrench themselves behind undeniable facts. 他们在无可否认的事实后面固守著自己. 语源mid 16th cent. (in the sense place within a trench): from en-, in- into + trench英英释义网络释义vern1.fix firmly or securely 2.impinge or infringe upon; This impinges on my rights as an individual 3.occupy a trench or secured area; The troops dug in for the night -entrench1 . 保卫 1. entrenchmententrench保卫entrepot trade 转口贸易 2 . 以壕沟防护 不容易改变的 (entrench以壕沟防护) emancipation Proclamation draft 努力解放宣言初稿 sealed 确保 (sea air and land 海空陆) surge 奔腾,放松 aristocracy 贵族. 3 . 确立 ...entrench确立,使处于牢固地位egocentricity 自我中心主义 4 . 挖壕沟以保护 entreat 恳求entrench挖壕沟以保护,确立entrust 交托 相关词条+entrenched valley1 . 嵌入河谷 entrenched meander 嵌入曲流entrenched valley 嵌入河谷entrenchment 深切 +entrenched meander1 . 嵌入曲流 entrefer 铁间空隙entrenched meander 嵌入曲流entrenched valley 嵌入河谷 +entrenched stream1 . 嵌入河 英语环境专业术语1 ...entrenched stream嵌入河;深切河entrenched valley嵌入〔河〕 +entrenched clause1 . 刚性条款 ...扰司法公正 interference with course of justice刚性条款entrenched clause刚性宪法 rigid constitution |