英语频道小编Bess整理了英语单词enslavement的学习资料,关于enslavement是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括enslavement的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,enslavement的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词enslavement相关的信息。 enslavement英[ɪn'sleɪvmənt]美[ɪn'sleɪvmənt]n.奴役,强制网络奴化;施放奴役;同构互动;奴隶化 双语例句同反义词 1 . There is heavy spiritual enslavement injury on the people. 民众身上积压着沉重的精神奴役创伤. 2 . He's also described the enslavement slavery charge is as questionable. 但是对谋杀控告不服.他还认为奴役罪是有疑问的. 3 . Enslavement of Aborigines through forced labor. 七.奴役原住民族的[强制劳动]暴力. 4 . It is the accomplice of Japanese invaders to carry out ideological enslavement activities in enemy - occupied area. 它是日本侵略者在沦陷区实行思想奴化活动的帮凶. 5 . In the present period, every effort must be concentrated on combating fascist enslavement . 在目前时期, 一切力量须集中于反对法西斯奴役. 同义词 addiction bondage oppression网络释义 -enslavement1 . 奴化 Criticizing the Theories of Enslavement of Yan Xi-shan阎锡山奴化理论批判 2 . 施放奴役 ...10点AN疲劳伤害),MR检定失败即摧毁目标魔法生物,小几率被恐惧标示地4火203-253两次攻击,击中目标时施放奴役 ( Enslavement )魔法效果村长的宝物,持有者可能被灰烬天使(AshenAngels)攻击星空1血101184护甲穿刺,幸运,领导能力+50,咒语:召唤次级恐惧魔. 3 . 同构互动 enslave 世界, enslavement同构互动, enslave 奴化 4 . 奴隶化 enslavement英[in'sleivm nt] 美[in'sleivm nt]复制成功 n. 奴役;奴隶化点击查看…… 同反义词同: [n.] captivity 参考例句. 相关词条+and enslaved1 . 并俘虏 Chiang Kai-shek , himself , having crushed the workers and the farmers and enslaved a weak capitalist class , had to turn for support the landlords the gentry .蒋介石本人在镇压了工人农民并俘虏了软弱的资产阶级之后,也必须向地主豪绅寻求支持。 +their enslavement1 . 他们的奴隶 and of course there was still the matter of their enslavement to Watto .另外他也不能无视他们的奴隶身份。 +enslave mankind1 . 奴役人类 all national institutions of churches , whether Jewish , Christian , or Turkish , appear to me no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind , and monopolize power and profit .一切国家的教会机关,不论是犹太教的,基督教的或是土耳其教会的,在我看来,无非是人所创造出来的,建立的目的是在于恐 +imperialists enslaved1 . 帝国主义奴役 Gone forever are the days when the imperialists enslaved the Chinese people ., 帝国主义奴役中国人民的时代已经一去不复返了. |