英语频道小编Isabell整理了英语单词efficaciousness的学习资料,关于efficaciousness是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括efficaciousness的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,efficaciousness的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词efficaciousness相关的信息。 efficaciousness网络效用;有效的状态网络释义 -efficaciousness 1 . 效用 丁效如名字怎么样_丁效如名字解释_丁效如名字测试 ... ... 〖goallouttoservesb.regardlessoftheconsequences〗出力帮忙,不惜生命 〖efficacy;usefulness;effectiveness;efficiency;efficaciousness〗效用;作用 〖poorimitationasDongshicopiedherneighbour,thefamousbeautyxishiinknittinghereyebrows;acttheape〗即“ 2 . 有效的状态 Chinese - English Free Di... ... 有效的状态 = effectuality 有效的状态 = efficaciousness有效率 = effectiveness. 相关词条+germicidal efficacy1 . 杀菌效果 mechanism and germicidal efficacy of oxidation photo catalyzed by titanium oxide ., 二氧化钛光催化氧化机理及杀菌效果. +efficacy and1 . 有效性和 Thus , Hirudoid showed to have an equivalent efficacy and safety to the approved preparation ., 因此 , 喜疗妥的有效性和安全性与这一被认可的制剂相同. +causal efficacy1 . 因果功效 causal connection 因果联系causal efficacy 因果功效causal explanation 因果性解释 +and efficacy1 . 和有效性 To confirm the stability and efficacy of ZM 2.1 diagnosis system by examining patients with aphasia ., 对失语症患者检测 , 验证 ZM2 . 1 诊断系统的稳定性和有效性. |