英语频道小编Julie整理了英语单词edentulous的学习资料,关于edentulous是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括edentulous的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,edentulous的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词edentulous相关的信息。 edentulous英[i:'dentʃələs]美[i:'dentʃələs]adj.缺齿的网络缺齿的;无牙的;无牙;无牙颌 双语例句更多资料 1 . Results: The deviation and stress distribution of the edentulous jaws and the base plates were obtained. 结果: 得出了七种模型的基托及无牙颌骨的位移及应力分布值. 2 . Human jaws are called edentulous jaws when all teeth and to replaced by full dentures. 人类的上下颌牙齿全部缺损后,称为无牙颌,需要全口义齿修复. 3 . Objective : To compare the masticatory efficiency of implant denture and denture, in Bilateral mandibular free - end edentulous . 目的: 对比研究活动义齿与种植义齿修复双侧下颌磨牙游离缺失的咀嚼功能情况. 4 . Method: A maxillary edentulous jaw was restored by four - implants - supported fixed bridge and extracoronal resilient attachment denture. 目的: 建立上颌无牙颌种植体义齿与附着体联合修复的三维有限元模型,为其生物力学分析提供数学模型基础. 5 . Results The scores of HAMA and HRSD are higher in edentulous patients than national norms. 结果牙列缺损和牙列缺失患者修复前HAMA、HRSD的测定结果高于常模. 语源early 18th cent.: from Latin edentulus, from e-(variant of ex-) out + dens, dent-tooth + -ulous行业释义网络释义 医学1.无牙的,无牙:失去一些或全部天然牙的 -edentulous1 . 缺齿的 edentate 无齿的edentulous缺齿的edestin 麻仁球蛋白 2 . 无牙的 edematization水肿形成edentulous无牙的electric blanket for operating table 手术台用电热毯. 3 . 无牙 palatine 腭的edentulous无牙sulculus 小沟 4 . 无牙颌 effect of individual factors of edentulouspatients on the esthetics of complete dentures ., 无牙颌患者个人因素对全口义齿审美的影响. 相关词条+adjusting edentulous1 . 缺牙 methods By adhering the bracket to the movable teeth and holding the butment erect or adjusting edentulous space depend on different clinical needs .方法在需要移动的牙齿上粘着托槽,根据修复要求,竖直基牙或扩大、减少缺牙间隙。 +edentulous space1 . 缺牙间隙 edentulous jaw 无牙颌edentulous space 缺牙间隙edentulous-area grafts flap 无牙区带蒂移植瓣. +edentulous state1 . 无牙状态 both tooth loss and diseases that bring about the destruction in tooth-supporting structure , such as caries and periodontal disease , are the major causes that result in adult's edentulous state .成年人无牙状态造成之主因乃是牙齿丧失及牙周支持组织疾病,如龋齿或牙周疾病等。 +edentulous arch1 . 无牙颌弓 ...ectopic sebaccous glands (Fordyce spots) 异位皮脂腺edentulous arch 无牙颌弓edentulous jaw 无牙颌 |