英语频道小编Isha整理了英语单词ecstatically的学习资料,关于ecstatically是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括ecstatically的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,ecstatically的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词ecstatically相关的信息。 ecstatically美[ɪkˈstætɪkl:ɪ]adv.狂喜地,心醉神迷地网络心醉神迷地;入神地;一阵狂喜 双语例句 1 . We are both ecstatically happy. 我们俩都欣喜若狂。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . He reacted ecstatically to my plan to travel to Africa. 他对我去非洲旅行的计划表现出极大的兴趣. 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . He was almost ecstatically exasperated by Kemp's treachery. 开普的叛变几乎使他发疯. 来自辞典例句 4 . They glow ecstatically, ablaze with the brightest love, happiness and joy imaginable. 他们心醉神迷地发着光,与所能想象的最明亮的爱 、 乐、喜悦一起闪烁. 5 . Then, suddenly, almost ecstatically, he felt sleepy. 这以后, 他突然发现自己有了睡意, 几乎无法抑止心头的喜悦. 网络释义 -ecstatically1 . 心醉神迷地 ecstatic 狂喜的人ecstatically心醉神迷地ectad 在外面 2 . 入神地 ecstatically(入神地), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 3 . 一阵狂喜 I leaped about the room ecstatically, shocked., 我一阵狂喜 , 在房间里跳了起来 , 感到十分震惊. 相关词条+were ecstatic1 . 真是欣喜若狂 we were ecstatic to be together again ., 能重新相聚 , 我们真是欣喜若狂. +ecstatic visions1 . 狂喜幻觉 economic 经济论的ecstatic visions 狂喜幻觉Edith Jacobson 伊迪丝‧雅各森 +ecstatic state1 . 狂喜的状态 now the dance of energies envelops all parties and all three experiences an ecstatic state together .现在能量之舞包围了所有夫妇和所有三者,共同体验一个狂喜的状态。 +ecstatic crowds1 . 狂喜的人群 ecstatic crowds immediately began to clamber on top of the Wall and hack large chunks out of the 28-mile ( 45-kilometre ) barrier .狂喜的人群立刻爬上了墙顶,开始大块大块地拆掉这条长45千米的阻隔。 |