英语频道小编Admine整理了英语单词dockside的学习资料,关于dockside是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括dockside的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,dockside的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词dockside相关的信息。 dockside英[ˈdɒksaɪd]美[ˈdɑ:ksaɪd]n.码头前沿,码头邻区,坞边adj.(在)码头前沿的,(在)码头邻区的,(在)坞边的 网络坞壁;码头边;坞边;港口地区 双语例句 1 . Food can also be held up on the seas or at the dockside . 粮食也可能延搁在海上或码头上. 来自辞典例句 2 . Andrew, with binoculars, was already scanning the dockside and port buildings coming into view. 安德鲁举起了望远镜, 扫视着进入视野的码头和港口上的建筑物. 来自辞典例句 3 . Vessels spend less time at the dockside, increasing vessel and cargo throughput. 渡轮在码头所花的时间缩短, 提高渡轮和货物吞吐量. 4 . Custom officers are waiting at the dockside to board the ship. 海关关员正在码头边等候登船. 网络释义 -dockside1 . 坞壁 docksidetrial 系泊试验dockside坞壁docksteps 干船坞梯壁 2 . 码头边 suddenly Sakamoto spotted the ship , she was like a sitting duck at dockside. he couldn't wait toto her .突然间,坂本发现了那条船,那条船在码头边像个死靶子,坂本迫不及待的冲了上去。 3 . 坞边 courtside ; dockside., 尺 ; 坞边. 4 . 港口地区 摘要docks港口地区dockside码头区dockyard 相关词条+dockside fender1 . 码头防冲装置 沪江词库精选fender是什么意思、英语单词推荐、用法及解释、中英文句子翻译、英语... dockside fender 码头防冲装置fender anti-squeak 保护板减声片 fender. +a dockside1 . 小港口 just outside warehouse is a dockside with relaxed families lazing around their picnics was really contagious and we could not help but join in the picnic mood .仓库外就是小港口,很多人就坐在外面野餐,我们也入境随俗野餐一下,给它悠闲一下! +dockside trial1 . 系泊试验 dockside crane 码头起重机dockside trial 系泊试验dockside 坞壁 +dockside crane1 . 码头起重机 dockside crane 岸壁起重机dockside crane 码头起重机dockside trial 系泊试验 2 . 岸壁起重机 @直播二战:#直播二战#【1940-5-24 17:46】史蒂夫·塞克斯(Steve Sykes)是在加莱的皇家工程兵的一员:“岸壁起重机(dockside crane)被德军炮弹摧毁了——我们需要. |