英语频道小编Isabelle整理了英语单词disreputably的学习资料,关于disreputably是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括disreputably的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,disreputably的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词disreputably相关的信息。 disreputably美[dɪsrep'jʊtəblɪ]adv.disreputable(名声不好的)的变形网络释义相关词条+disreputable or 1 . 声名狼藉或 a disreputable or clumsy man ., 声名狼藉或笨拙的男子. +disreputable side1 . 污秽的一面 but while Mr Singh impeccable front man , the country's politics has a much sleazier and more disreputable side .虽然辛格作为头面人物无可指摘,但印度政治却有着更加丑陋、污秽的一面。 +has disrepute1 . 已是声名狼藉 This company has disrepute in recent years ., 这家公司近几年来已是声名狼藉. +into disrepute1 . 声誉扫地 The hotel fell into disrepute after the shooting incident ., 枪击事件发生后 , 这家旅馆便声誉扫地. |