英语频道小编Bess整理了英语单词disgustedly的学习资料,关于disgustedly是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括disgustedly的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,disgustedly的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词disgustedly相关的信息。 disgustedly美[dɪs'ɡʌstɪdlɪ]adv.厌烦地网络厌烦地;厌恶地 双语例句 1 . "It's a little late for that," Ritter said disgustedly . “对那来说有点晚了,”里特厌恶地说。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . " Oh, Pa,'she said disgustedly, " you talk like an Irishman! " " 啊, 爸, " 她厌恶地说, " 你说这话真像个爱尔兰人哪! 来自飘(部分) 3 . Winston watched them disgustedly . 温斯顿满心厌恶地看她们吵架. 4 . Disgustedly, she averted her eyes when they brought in the mutilated body of the horse. 当他们把那匹马的残尸带进来时, 她厌恶地移开了视线. 5 . Get out of my office,'the professor said disgustedly to the lazy student. ‘出去. ’ 教授厌烦地对那个懒惰的学生说. 英英释义网络释义noun1.in a disgusted manner; `Get out of my office,' the professor said disgustedly to the lazy student 2.with disgust; disgustedly, she averted her eyes when they brought in the mutilated body of the horse -disgustedly1 . 厌烦地 disgusted 厌恶的disgustedly厌烦地disgustful 厌腻的 2 . 厌恶地 【厌恶】什么意思_英语怎么说_翻译_解释_有道词典 ... 味觉厌恶 taste aversion ; Garcia Effect ; Sauce bernaise syndrome ; Bait shyness 损失厌恶 Loss Aversion ; Loss Averse ; Aversion to Loss 厌恶地 disgustedly; nauseously ; reluctantly ; irksomely. 相关词条+thought disgustedly1 . 觉得不是滋味 Demerest thought disgustedly ., 德默雷斯特觉得不是滋味. |