想得到的英文: She would dearly like to get that job. I'd like to get my hands on a nice pair of cowboy Boots. The user wants the missing text without regard to which function elided it. Mary wanted an invitation to the patty;we choked her off. I want to get some up-to-date information about high technology. What would you suggest for me to read? Jeff is usually an abrasive character, but he can be as sweet as honey when he wants something. n. 想得到,可想像 Can you conceive of a complete vacuum? Of or as conceived by existentialism or existentialists Esther could not conceive. Conceive that you are about to commit a capital error. The baby was conceived in february and born in November v. 希望,想要;但愿;祝愿;企求;默默盼祷 n. 希望,愿望;祝愿;请求;希望的事 Wishful thinking belief based on wishes and not on facts I have no wish to be an official. Do you wish to say anything? The writer wishes to remain anonymous. You have wasted the first wish. |