英语频道小编julian整理了英语单词diabolic的学习资料,关于diabolic是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括diabolic的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,diabolic的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词diabolic相关的信息。 diabolic英[ˌdaɪə'bɒlɪk]美[ˌdaɪə'bɑ:lɪk]adj.魔鬼似的,残忍的;毒辣;万恶网络魔鬼似的;残忍的;赤焰小恶魔;魔鬼性格的 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . Pitt's smile returned, and it was hideously diabolic . 皮特的脸上重新浮现出笑容,但却狰狞可怕。 来自辞典例句 2 . There was a diabolic gleam in his eyes as if something amused him greatly. 那时他眼里闪耀着一丝残忍的光辉,仿佛有什么叫他大为高兴似的. 来自飘(部分) 3 . Fires lit up a diabolic scene. 火光映射出残忍的现场. 来自互联网 4 . Japan's diabolic plot to wage bacteriological warfare against China during World War II has been exposed. 二战中日本要在中国开展细菌战的凶残计划被揭露了. 来自互联网 同义词 accursed 语源late Middle English: from Old French diaboliqueor ecclesiastical Latin diabolicus, from diabolusdevil英英释义网络释义noun1.showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil; devilish schemes 2.extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell; something demonic in him--something that could be cruel -diabolic1 . 魔鬼似的 diabolatry 魔鬼崇拜diabolic魔鬼似的diabolical 恶魔的 2 . 残忍的 残忍的(diabolic), 此释义来源于网络辞典。 3 . 赤焰小恶魔 2008/12/12,tw官方将其与" 赤焰小恶魔( Diabolic ) "搞混了. 4 . 魔鬼性格的 condign adj. 罪有应得的;适宜的diabolicadj. 恶魔(一样)的,魔鬼性格的diabolical adj. 恶毒的,狠毒的 (diabol n. 恶魔). 相关词条+diabolical situation1 . 糟糕情形 Redo prevents a diabolical situation in multiple Undo ., 在多次撤销中 , 恢复能避免糟糕情形的出现. +diabolical pitch1 . 恶魔投手 下一篇: 《恶魔投手(Diabolical Pitch)》4月发布欢迎来到大米单机游戏网www.4735.com 纯净版单机游戏下载 +diabolical demeanor1 . 凶残的风度 Tom was given Boris Karloff eyebrows that enhanced his diabolical demeanor , and in many poses a strong resemblance to Bugs himself , a tail and cropped ears .汤姆是鲍里斯卡洛夫的眉毛,增强其凶残的风度,而且在许多对负有强烈的相似性错误的自己,有尾巴和剪裁的耳朵。 +Playing diabol1 . 抖 云峰剧院“魅力上海”杂技专场 ... 高椅 Balancing on the chair 抖空竹 Playing diabol 草帽 Playing sfraw hats. |