英语频道小编erika整理了英语单词decisive的学习资料,关于decisive是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括decisive的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,decisive的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词decisive相关的信息。 decisive英[dɪˈsaɪsɪv]美[dɪˈsaɪsɪv]adj.决定性的;坚定的;果断的,决断的网络决定性的;果断;决定性;决定的 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . They were outplayed by the Colombians' slick passing and decisive finishing. 哥伦比亚队凭借流畅的传球和终场前的制胜进球击败了他们。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . The meeting between Molotov, Bidault and Bevin was decisive . 莫洛托夫、皮杜尔和贝文之间的会晤起到了决定性作用。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement. 我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . The decisive goal arrived against the run of play. 这个决定性的得分逆转了场上的局势。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . Voters perceive him as a decisive and resolute international leader. 投票者认为他是一位坚定果断的国际领导人。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词adj.1.决定性的”释义下的同义词 definitive unmistakable final emphatic determinate convincing certain determinative deciding settling firm positive unqualified2.果断的”释义下的同义词 resolute determined decided 反义词adj.1.决定性的;果断的”释义下的同义词 indecisive 语源early 17th cent.: from French décisif, -ive, from medieval Latin decisivus, from decis-determined, from the verb decidere(see decide)英英释义网络释义noun1.determining or having the power to determine an outcome; cast the decisive vote 2.unmistakable; had a decisive lead in the polls 3.characterized by decision and firmness; an able an decisive young woman 4.forming or having the nature of a turning point or crisis; a critical point in the campaign -decisive1 . 决定性的 ...强的那组称为more reason。“如果以某种方式行为的理由强国以任何其他可能方式行为的理由的话,这理由就是决定性的(decisive),则如此行为就是我们有最大理由(most reason)去做的事。”【i,32】如果该组理由远远强过. 2 . 果断 We needed decisiveleadership ., 我们需要果断的领导. 3 . 决定性 ...全排除这个可能性。但是,由于学者们在上述这个争议性问题上,支持和反对的人数似乎均等,Robinson认为语文的论证不能成为一个决定性(decisive)的因素。Ibid., p.111.至于约翰福音的“跋”(Epilogue),由于一些学者们认为它与整. 4 . 决定的 decision vector 决策向量decisive决定的declination 倾斜 相关词条+decision --1 . 明确的决定 a decision -- yes or no -- is better than no decision .一个明确的决定是或者不是总比没有决定的好。 +decisive decision-making1 . 果断决策 in such circumstances , the State Council judge , decisive decision-making , in a nationwide campaign focusing on the land market zone rectification work .在这种情况下,国务院审时度势,果断决策,在全国开展了以清理整顿开发区为重点的土地市场治理整顿工作。 +decision-to-decision path1 . 决策到决策路径 ...决策到决策路径(decision-to-decision path)是指当用控制流程图表示程式时,一条不包含任何决策节点的路径,换句话说,决策到决策路径是介于二个决策点中的路径。决策点是类似if-else指令或for回圈一様,会根据变数的数值决定后续执行程式的节点。决策到决策路径有以下的特性:* 启始节点和结束. +decisive decision1 . 果断的决定 why rocket so decisive decision tendering Landry is a good player truly , on the season later period he already by the proof was in the Rocket the indispensable strength .为什么火箭会如此果断的决定竞价?兰德里确实是一个好球员,上赛季后期他已经被证明是火箭队中不可或缺的力量。 2 . 果断的决策 five days after last Friday's tragedy in Catania , the government have reached a hard and decisive decision .距离卡塔尼亚惨案已经五天了,意大利政府作出了强硬而果断的决策。 |