英语频道小编beverlyn整理了英语单词debt的学习资料,关于debt是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括debt的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,debt的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词debt相关的信息。 debt英[det]美[dɛt]n.债务;负债情况;义务;罪,过失网络债务;债务的;债;负债 词形变化: 复数:debts 双语例句词组习语同反义词更多资料 1 . The word "debt" contains a mute letter. 在 debt这个词中有一个不发音的字母. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2 . The plan is designed to reduce some of the company's mountainous debt . 该计划旨在减少公司堆积如山的债务。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . The American Congress has agreed to forgive Egypt's military debt . 美国国会同意免除埃及的军事债务。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . The Commonwealth Development Corporation has agreed to reschedule Tanzania's debt . 英联邦开发公司已经同意推迟坦桑尼亚的债务偿还时间。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . Brazil is putting forward a new debt repayment plan. 巴西即将提出一个新的债务偿付计划。 来自柯林斯例句 常用词典be in someone's debt 1 . 欠某人人情债;受某人的恩惠 同义词n.1.债,借款”释义下的同义词 amount due obligation 语源Middle English dette: from Old French, based on Latin debitumsomething owed, past participle of debereowe. The spelling change in French and English was by association with the Latin word行业释义网络释义 医学1.债 法律1.债务 2. 欠款 -debt1 . 债务 ...)这三个概念。 霍菲尔德批评了在司法判决中将责任一词用作义务(duty)、债(obligation)以及债务(debt)的同义词做法。霍菲尔德认为,在英语中,责任的近义词是subjection或responsibilit. 2 . 债务的 for the banks , many loan applicants are hobbled a " one-two punch " of weak sales and too much debt, says of Wells Fargo , America's largest small-business lender .美国最大的小企业贷款银行富国银行领导人指出:“在他们看来,这些申请贷款的企业就像是在受到了销售疲软和巨额的债务的重拳打击后步履蹒跚的前进着。” 3 . 债 到目前为止,我们一直认为以下认识是理所当然的:公司在有自有资本(equity)的同时将会负债(debt),在有股东(share-holder)的同时还有债权人(creditor)。从某种程度上而言,这确实. 4 . 负债 ...是显而易见的,不论是贫困国家、或个人失业者都从这里得到莫大的安慰,鼓励他们继续努力,给他们希望。如把debt(负债)称为cash advance(预支);把poor(贫穷)称为negative saver(积蓄为负值. 相关词条+triangle debts chain debts1 . 三角债 ...products competitive products / knock-out products三角债triangle debts chain debts经济作物 economic crops cash crops / industrial crops. +Sub debt Subordinated debt1 . 次债 Step-up structure 进级结构Sub debt Subordinated debt 次债Subordinated bonds 次级债务 +debt (1 . 债券以 in 1999 , Basel Committee made market discipline as one of the three pillars of bank supervision , and subordinated debt ( SND ) abstracts more and more attention from the experts .1999年,伴随着巴塞尔委员会正式将市场约束定位为银行监管的三大支柱之一,次级债券以其独特的性质,引起了专家学者的关注。 2 . 偿还利息 this means they do not need to generate & pound ; 30 million a year just to debt ( like United ) .这意味着他们不需要像曼联,每年光是为偿还利息就得先赚出3000万英镑。 +debt -1 . 债基 the pursuit of stability and dividend yield investors , this is a closed - end debt - of the biggest attraction .对于追求收益率稳定且分红的投资者来说,这是封闭式债基最大的吸引力之一. 2 . 债务的国家 all - and especially those holding American debt - will be assessing the decisions that brought them to this point .特别是那些持有美国债务的国家会审议是哪些决策导致了目前的局面. |