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网络释义相关词条+data –

1 . 资料–

data – Contains upper-layer information anda variable length of up to 64 bits .资料–-包含上层的资讯,变动的长度可达64位元。

+data (

1 . 资料是

archived geological data ( AGD ) , a kind of para-public products formed by commonweal investment , shall provide service for public .成果地质资料是公益投资形成的准公共产品,为社会提供服务是必须的。

2 . 中资料

according to the limitation and insufficiency of planning for constructing the database system the beginning the problem , lack of data ( variables ) , arises when executing data mining .在进行资料采矿时,受限于资料库系统初建时规划上的限制与不足,常会遇到资料库中资料短缺的窘境。

+data warehouse and data

1 . 数据仓库和数据

Technology and application of data warehouse and data mining are discussed., 对数据仓库和数据挖掘技术及其应用进行了讨论.

+data )

1 . 化现象

to record ( data ) on a storage device .许多人说,在环球化现象盛行的情况下,美国化是大势所趋。

2 . 信息需要

for example , let's say you modelled a ( one set of vertex data ) , and defined a set of poses which represented the various phonetic positions of the face .姿态动画的缺点是不容易建立,以面部动画为例,对于每个面部位置信息需要建立单独的姿态用来在关键帧中引用。
