英语频道小编carol整理了英语单词crayfish的学习资料,关于crayfish是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括crayfish的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,crayfish的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词crayfish相关的信息。 crayfish英[ˈkreɪfɪʃ]美[ˈkreˌfɪʃ]n.淡水螯虾(肉);龙虾网络小龙虾;龙虾;淡水龙虾;螯虾 双语例句更多资料 1 . We don't have oysters tonight, but the crayfish are very good. 我们今晚没有牡蛎供应.但小龙虾是非常好. 来自《简明英汉词典》 2 . We do not have oysters tonight, but the crayfish are very good. 我们今晚没有牡蛎供应.但小龙是非常好. 来自互联网 3 . Crayfish looks like langostines but is not as tasty. 漓蛄长得很像龙虾,但味道可没有龙虾鲜美. 来自互联网 4 . BOY: How come so many crayfish live under the rocks and stuff? 男孩: 为什么这么多小龙虾住在岩石和那些东西下面? 来自互联网 5 . The red swamp crayfish carries the virus of a deadly fungal disease. 红色龙虾带有一种致命的真菌疾病. 来自互联网 语源Middle English: from Old French crevice, of Germanic origin and related to German Krebs(see crab). In the 16th cent. or earlier the second syllable was altered by association with fish 图片英英释义行业释义网络释义noun1.warm-water lobsters without claws; those from Australia and South Africa usually marketed as frozen tails; caught also in Florida and California 2.tiny lobster-like crustaceans usually boiled briefly 3.small freshwater decapod crustacean that resembles a lobster 4.large edible marine crustacean having a spiny carapace but lacking the large pincers of true lobsters 体育1.吸蛄 -crayfish1 . 小龙虾 ...编辑隐鳃鲵Cryptobranchus alleghaniensis(Hellbend,,栖息于小河,中等大小的河流以及小溪中,要求水质清洁并岩石丛生(以小龙虾(crayfish,小鱼)蜗牛(蠕虫为食)目录1基本信息生命周期:繁殖当地别名:亲缘种属:2形态特征3分布 2 . 龙虾 有许多不同种类的植物和动物生灵为这个地方的生物多样性做出了贡献。我和妈妈抓过许多动物,如小龙虾(crayfish)、黑鼻子的鲦鱼(dace),〔minnows一种鲤科小鱼〕、溪红点鲑(brook trout)和wa. 3 . 淡水龙虾 ...淡水龙虾(crawfish,又名 crayfish),俗称小龙虾,在中国各地又名蝲蛄、螯虾,在新加坡俗称虾婆,是多种淡水虾类统称,因形似龙虾(Palinuridae)而得名。包含拟螯虾科(Parastacidae)、正螯虾科(或称蟹虾科)(Astacida. 4 . 螯虾 ...crayfish,crawfish,十足目螯虾次目中淡水种类的通称,体形较大呈圆筒状,甲. 相关词条+sea crayfish1 . 海龙虾 sea clam 海蛤sea crayfish 海龙虾sea cucumber 海参 |