英语频道小编deborah整理了英语单词connive的学习资料,关于connive是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括connive的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,connive的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词connive相关的信息。 connive英[kəˈnaɪv]美[kəˈnaɪv]vi.密谋 ;搞阴谋;默许;纵容网络默许;同流合污 词形变化: 过去式:connived 过去式:connived 过去式:conniving 过去式:connives 派生词:conniver 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . To buy things cheaply from a poor country is to connive in its poverty. 低价从贫穷国家采购是加重其贫穷的不义之举。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . She was obliged to connive at her husband's infidelity. 她不得不默许丈夫对她的不忠. 来自辞典例句 3 . The prisoners paid the guards to connive at their escape. 囚犯们贿赂看守,使看守默许他们越狱. 来自辞典例句 4 . The student tried to connive with her friend to cheat in the examination. 那个学生企图和她的朋友串谋考试作弊. 来自辞典例句 5 . Not to protest is to connive at the destruction of the environment. 对于破坏环境的行为不加反对就等于纵容. 来自互联网 同义词 complot collude cooperate scheme 语源early 17th cent.: from French conniveror Latin connivereshut the eyes (to), from con-together + an unrecorded word related to nictareto wink网络释义 -connive1 . 默许 ...共同做过为宽恕(condone),共同夹死为拥挤(congest),共同给予为默许(connive), 大街上下雨为(strain),共同是束缚(constrain),少花是污点(stain),反复是. 2 . 同流合污 骂是骂他们寡廉鲜耻干出这么不人的丑事,以此(This)讲明你崇高的道德水准和不与他们同流合污(Connive)的坚强意志;装傻是当他们东窗事发、或被别人指指点点时,你要装做什么都不知道(Know)的,不时还要说上一句:可能? 相关词条+connive at1 . 打佯儿 打小算盘show petty shrewdness:打佯儿:connive at打肿脸充胖子:puff oneself up to one`s own cost. +he connived1 . 他听任 he connived at the robbery of the thieves .他听任窃贼抢劫。 +connived at1 . 纵容犯人 The jailer connived at the escape from prison ., 狱吏纵容犯人的逃狱. +conniving smile1 . 阴险的笑容 The mercenary hid his conniving smile at the sight of Vierna ' s obvious pleasure ., 面对着维尔娜显而易见的愉悦 , 佣兵隐藏了他阴险的笑容. |