英语频道小编helena整理了英语单词confront的学习资料,关于confront是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括confront的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,confront的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词confront相关的信息。 confront英[kənˈfrʌnt]美[kənˈfrʌnt]vt.面对;使面对面,使对质;碰到,遇到;比较网络对垒;面对;勇敢地面对;使面临 词形变化: 过去式:confronted 过去式:confronted 过去式:confronting 过去式:confronts 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt. 她决定拿自己了解的事实与凯瑟琳当面对证。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . We are learning how to confront death instead of avoiding its reality. 我们在学习如何直面死亡,而非回避死亡这一现实。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions. 北约国家被迫正视基本的道德问题。 来自柯林斯例句 4 . Once again, I chose to confront the issue head-on. 我又一次选择了直接面对该问题。 来自柯林斯例句 5 . I could not bring myself to confront him about it. 我不忍心就这事和他对质。 来自柯林斯例句 同义词vt.1.面对;遭遇;对抗”释义下的同义词 squarely oppose face meet encounteravoid 语源mid 16th cent.: from French confronter, from medieval Latin confrontare, from Latin con-with + frons, front-face英英释义网络释义vern1.oppose, as in hostility or a competition; You must confront your opponent with (something unpleasant) head on; You must confront your problems 3.present somebody with something, usually to accuse or criticize; We confronted him with the evidence face to face with; The child screamed when it confronted the man in the halloween costume -confront1 . 对垒 却在季后赛中大大压缩了法玛尔及武贾西奇的出场(Appearance)时间,并在首轮对垒(Confront)犹他爵士(Jazz)时让德隆-威廉姆斯产生了这样的疑惑,“湖人(Lakers)是在哪克隆了一个身材这么像我的后卫来对付我的”。 2 . 面对 ...全感与自我怀疑不仅是无法避免的(unavoidable),而且是必要的,否则,我们就无法变化、发展。关键是要敢于面对(confront)并克服这种心理,如果我们一味地求安全,就不会有所长进,就等于是作茧自缚(We become trap. 3 . 勇敢地面对 confirm to 符合,顺应,遵守confront勇敢地面对,遭遇confusion 混乱 4 . 使面临 in conflict with与……发生冲突confront面对,使面临confrontation面对,面临 相关词条+confrontational politics1 . 对抗式政治 conflicting loyalties 双重效忠confrontational politics 对抗式政治congress 国会;议会 +confrontation meeting1 . 对质会 confrontation 对质confrontation meeting 对质会confusable taper 混淆圆锥 +confrontation strategy1 . 对抗战略 conformance 一致性confrontation strategy 对抗战略conjoint measurement 联合测度法 +military confrontation1 . 军事对峙 军嫂 soldier's wife军事对峙military confrontation军事分界线 military demarcation line 2 . 军事对抗 arms race 军备竞赛military confrontation 军事对抗joint communique 联合公报 |