英语频道小编alice整理了英语单词condescend的学习资料,关于condescend是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括condescend的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,condescend的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词condescend相关的信息。 condescend英[ˌkɒndɪˈsend]美[ˌkɑ:ndɪˈsend]vi.屈尊,俯就;故意表示和蔼可亲网络谦逊;府就;屈尊;俯就 词形变化: 过去式:condescended 过去式:condescended 过去式:condescending 过去式:condescends 派生词:condescension 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . Don't condescend to me. 别在我面前摆架子。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . Would you condescend to accompany me? 你肯屈尊陪我 吗 ? 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 . The Prince of Darkness does not condescend to such cheap drudgery. 这种下贱的差使,根本用不着劳“黑暗之王”的大驾. 来自辞典例句 4 . He did not condescend to their society, he seemed glad of it. 他并不是自贬身价地与她们交往, 而是似乎乐于与她们交往. 来自辞典例句 5 . Edgar, the eldest, would not condescend to him at first. 起初老大埃德加不屑同他为伍. 来自辞典例句 同义词 deign 反义词vi.1.谦虚;降低身分”释义下的同义词 boast pride 语源Middle English (in the sense give way, defer): from Old French condescendre, from ecclesiastical Latin condescendere, from con-together + descenderedescend英英释义网络释义vern1.behave in a patronizing and condescending manner something that one considers to be below one's dignity 3.debase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or dishonorable way; I won't stoop to reading other people's mail 4.treat condescendingly -condescend1 . 谦逊 condensible 可压缩的condescend谦逊condescendence 起诉书 2 . 府就 ascend 攀登、上升condescend屈尊、府就descendant 后代 3 . 屈尊 (试图),care(想要),choose(决定),claim(声称),condescend(屈尊),consent(准许),decide(决定),demand(要求),determine(决心),e. 4 . 俯就 condemnation n.谴责,定罪condescendv.屈尊,俯就condescension n.自以为高人一等,贬低(别人). 相关词条+condescending term1 . 谦逊的术语 and can an understanding of it be used to release flashes of genius in those whose brains are , in the delightfully condescending term used by researchers in the area , " neurotypical " ?我们对此的理解能否适用“一般神经状态者”——业内用此宜人谦逊的术语称呼——的大脑,来释放天才灵光呢? +condescending behaviour1 . 屈尊行为 ...condensation tral 雾化尾迹condescend 俯就屈就降格纡尊降贵condescending behaviour 屈尊行为condescension condign 罪有应得condiment 佐料调味品conditio. +condescending style1 . 谦逊的风格 this kind of dovish , condescending style , also mirror in Tang Jun to professional handler this is planted " airborne arms " the fixed position of the part .这种稳健、谦逊的风格,也反映在唐骏对职业经理人这种“空降兵”角色的定位。 +sometimes condescends1 . 有时屈尊 mr. smith sometimes condescends to help his wife with the housework ., 史密斯先生有时屈尊帮他的妻子做家务. |