英语频道小编isha整理了英语单词columning的学习资料,关于columning是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括columning的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,columning的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词columning相关的信息。 columning美['kɒləmɪŋ]棉塞支托法网络释义相关词条+column and packed column 1 . 塔与填料塔 application of plate column and packed column in oil refining and its cost analysis ., 板式塔与填料塔在炼油中的应用及成本分析. +columns columns1 . 列柱 Posed by the 48 stone steps , beams columns columns , ancient appearance , blend with nature ., 由 48 块石阶构成 , 石梁列柱, 古朴美观 , 与自然融为一体. +search column the column1 . 搜索栏 IE7 a very simple adjustment tool , it can set up search column the column indicates whether or not the menu and order column .一个很简单的IE7调整工具,它可以设置搜索栏、命令栏及菜单栏的显示与否。 +column by column1 . 逐栏 the list of proposers referred to in Paragraph One shall be filled in column by column in the specified format detailedly , and bound into books by municipality , county , and township ( city / district ) .第一项提案人名册,应依规定格式逐栏填写,并分直辖市、县(市)、乡(镇、市、区)别装订成册。 |