英语频道小编amanda整理了英语单词chlorobenzene的学习资料,关于chlorobenzene是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括chlorobenzene的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,chlorobenzene的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词chlorobenzene相关的信息。 chlorobenzene英[klɔ:rə'benzi:n]美[ˌkloʊroʊ'benˌzi:n]n.氯苯网络氯苯;氯化苯;一氯代苯;氯苯类 双语例句 1 . The invention discloses a catalytic purification method of chlorobenzene waste gas. 本发明公开了一种氯苯废气催化净化方法. 来自互联网 2 . The Refractometric analysis of binary liquid system of benzene - chlorobenzene was investigated. 研究了液体二元系的折射分析法. 来自互联网 3 . Mazindol was synthesized by four steps from chlorobenzene and phthalic anhydride an overall yield of 23.4 %. 以氯苯和邻苯二甲酸酐为起始原料,经四步工序合成马吲哚,总收率为23.4%. 来自互联网 4 . Adsorption of chlorobenzene from mixed gas by activated carbon was studied on fixed bed. 研究了氯苯气体在活性炭固定床上的吸附过程. 来自互联网 5 . Theiryield depend on the reaction temperature, mole ratio of chlorobenzene and hydrogen sulfide, and space - velocity. 它们的产率决定于反应温度 、 氯苯和硫化氢的摩尔比以及空速. 来自互联网 行业释义网络释义 石油1.氯苯 -chlorobenzene1 . 氯苯 The invention discloses a catalytic purification method of chlorobenzenewaste gas ., 本发明公开了一种氯苯废气催化净化方法. 2 . 氯化苯 treatment of byproduct hydrochloric acid in chlorobenzeneproduction by resin adsorption process ., 树脂吸附法处理氯化苯生产中的副产盐酸. 3 . 一氯代苯 氯苯;Benzene chloride; Phen... ... 氯苯;chlorobenzene氯苯;一氯代苯;氯代苯;Chlorobenzene 一氯化苯;氯化苯;氯苯;一氯代苯;1-Chlorobenzene;Chlorobenzene mono;Chlorobenzol;Phenylchloride;Monochlorobenzene. 4 . 氯苯类 chlorobenzene卤代苯, chlorobenzene氯苯类, chlorobenzene氯代苯类化合物 相关词条+chlorobenzene production1 . 氯苯生产 influence on chlorobenzene production from benzene quality ., 苯质量对氯苯生产的影响. +with chlorobenzene1 . 以氯苯 Chlorobenxene sulfonyl was synthesized with chlorobenzene as a raw material , carbon tetrachloride as a solvent through chlorosulfonation and aminolysis .以氯苯为原料,以四氯化碳为溶剂,经氯磺化、氨解合成了4-氯苯磺酰胺。 +chlorobenzene for chlorobenzene acclimated1 . 氯苯驯化 effect of the coexistence of chlorobenzene homologue on the biodegradation of chlorobenzene for chlorobenzene acclimated sludge .氯苯驯化污泥中氯苯类同系物共存对氯苯生物降解影响。 +chlorobenzene plant1 . 氯化苯装置 this article describes the simulative calculation and optimization of the combined guide floating valve tray in the design of primary tower and rectification tower of chlorobenzene plant .主要介绍了组合导向浮阀在氯化苯装置初、精馏塔设计中的模拟计算和优化。 |