英语频道小编deborah整理了英语单词chlamys的学习资料,关于chlamys是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括chlamys的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,chlamys的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词chlamys相关的信息。 chlamys美['klæmɪs]n.古希腊男子所着的一种短斗篷或外套网络斗篷;扇贝;男式优质呢短斗篷;栉 词形变化: 复数:chlamyses 复数:chlamydes 双语例句更多资料 1 . Nuclear change and acrosomal formation were studied on spermatogenesis of chlamys farreri by transmission electronic microscope. 透射电镜下观察了栉孔扇贝精子形成过程中的核变化与顶体形成. 来自互联网 语源late 17th cent.: from Greek khlamusmantle网络释义 -chlamys1 . 斗篷 赫耳墨斯的形象为精力充沛的青年,头戴宽边帽(petasus),身披短斗篷(chlamys),手持双蛇杖(kerykeion),腰系钱币袋,脚穿有翼鞋(pteroeis pedila)。 2 . 扇贝 A Modified Method for Evaluating Phagocytosis and Encapsulation in Haemocytes of Chlamys farreri栉孔扇贝血细胞吞噬和包囊化作用实验方法的改进 3 . 男式优质呢短斗篷 chlamys男式优质呢短斗篷 chlidema squares 奇利德马小方地毯 chlofenamic acid 氯灭酸抗风湿灵 chlomethoxynil 氯硝醚除草剂 Chlon 五氯酚木材防腐剂 Chlonitralid. 4 . 栉 accumulation , distribution and discharge of copper in chlamysfarreri tissues ., 铜在栉孔扇贝组织蓄积 , 分配 , 排放的研究. 相关词条+in chlamys1 . 在栉 accumulation , distribution and discharge of copper in chlamys farreri tissues ., 铜在栉孔扇贝组织蓄积 , 分配 , 排放的研究. +chlamys farreri1 . 栉孔 peroxidase activity in gill and labial palps of scallop chlamys farreri栉孔扇贝鳃和唇瓣过氧化物酶活性 2 . 栉孔扇贝 studies on excretion of triploid and diploid chlamys farreri ., 栉孔扇贝三倍体与二倍体的排泄研究. +chlamys farreir on radiotherapy1 . 肿瘤放射治疗中扇贝 effect of selenium - protein from chlamys farreir on radiotherapy ., 肿瘤放射治疗中扇贝硒蛋白的作用. +haemolymph of scallop chlamys1 . 扇贝血淋巴 activities and properties of esterases in haemolymph of scallop chlamys farreri ., 栉孔扇贝血淋巴中酯酶活性及其性质. |