英语频道小编debby整理了英语单词cherish的学习资料,关于cherish是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括cherish的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,cherish的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词cherish相关的信息。 cherish英[ˈtʃerɪʃ]美[ˈtʃɛrɪʃ]vt.珍爱;怀有;爱护;抚育网络珍惜;珍爱;爱护;珍重 词形变化: 过去式:cherished 过去式:cherished 过去式:cherishing 过去式:cherishes 双语例句同反义词更多资料 1 . The president will cherish the memory of this visit to Ohio. 总统将铭记这次俄亥俄之行。 来自柯林斯例句 2 . These people cherish their independence and sovereignty. 这些人民珍视他们的独立和主权。 来自柯林斯例句 3 . I cherish for you the liveliest feeling of affection and gratitude. 我对你怀有最强烈的爱和感激之情. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 4 . Overseas Chinese cherish the memory of their home land. 侨胞想念祖国. 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》 5 . We must cherish experience acquired at the cost of blood. 我们必须珍惜用鲜血换来的经验. 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》 同义词vt.1.珍爱;爱护”释义下的同义词 protect dear worship adore treasure hold 反义词vt.1.珍爱;爱护”释义下的同义词 ignore neglect disregard 语源Middle English (in the sense treat with affection): from Old French cheriss-, lengthened stem of cherir, from cherdear, from Latin carus网络释义 -cherish1 . 珍惜 ... love for (热爱), be concerned with (关心), build(创建), cherish(珍惜), take an active part in(积极参与), pay attention to s. 2 . 珍爱 Cherish(珍爱)墨尘缘2009-05-27 20:18:13 第一次推荐编辑STWebPlayer Get Adobe Flash player下载ST手机版(Android / iPhone) 下载歌曲 (高速下载) 收录到. 3 . 爱护 cherishthe memory ofcherish爱护 , 爱惜 , 抱 , 怀 , 怀抱 , 怀念 , 秘藏 , 珍爱memory 存储 , 记忆 , 记忆范围 , 记忆力 , 记忆装置 , 纪念 , 纪念品 , 死后. 4 . 珍重 cherishthe great title of communist party member ., 珍重共产党员这个伟大称号. 相关词条+we cherish1 . 我们珍惜 for we cherish her and never give up ., 因为我们珍惜她永不反悔. +cherished desire1 . 悲愿 金泰焕-冥想系列5CD ... 送别母亲 See my monther off 悲愿Cherished desire 无心 Without distracting thoughts. +cherish time1 . 珍惜时间 ... bring no problems。对大学生而言,尽管黄金周好处多多,但其负面效应也是客观存在的。168. cherish time珍惜时间169. Nowadays we have heard too much about piracy. +cherish life1 . 珍惜生命 To this end , we cherish life , open their hearts and motives of life ., 为此 , 我们该珍惜生命, 敞开心扉并用心生活. 2 . 珍爱生命 Life is hope , so we should cherish life ., 生命就是希望 , 所以我们要珍爱生命. |