英语频道小编edith整理了英语单词chequebook的学习资料,关于chequebook是什么意思这个问题进行了详细的讲解,包括chequebook的英语意思解释、正确音标读音及发音、用法,chequebook的英文短句例句含义讲解等与英文单词chequebook相关的信息。 chequebook英[ˈtʃekbʊk]n.支票簿网络支票簿;支票本;支票书;本支票簿 双语例句 1 . As the tabloids have hit on hard times, the cheques of chequebook journalism have shrunk. 随着小报纸的不景气, 买断独家采访权的金额也跟着缩减了. 来自辞典例句 2 . Can you please let me have a chequebook of 30 cheques? 请给我一本三十页的支票簿好 吗 ? 来自互联网 3 . To his consternation, he realized that he had left his chequebook at home. 他意识到他把支票簿留在家里就惊惶了. 来自互联网 4 . As the tabloid have hit on hard times, the cheque of chequebook journalism have shrink. 随著小报纸的不景气, 买断独家采访权的金额也跟著缩减了. 来自互联网 5 . He threw me a chequebook . I wrote the sum and passed it back. 他扔给我了一本支票簿. 我把总额写好并还给了他. 来自互联网 网络释义 -chequebook1 . 支票簿 cheque-book 支票簿chequebook支票簿chequer 西洋跳棋 2 . 支票本 旅行支票chequebook支票簿,支票本(美作:checkbook) 3 . 支票书 『 南昌』开个自勉帖,每天记录自己的学习,懈怠的时候求鼓励 ... I’ld like to cash a check, please 我要存款一张支票 Chequebook 支票书 Withdrawing money 提钱. 4 . 本支票簿 He threw me a chequebook. I wrote the sum and passed it back ., 他扔给我了一本支票簿 . 我把总额写好并还给了他. 相关词条+a chequebook1 . 一本支票簿 He threw me a chequebook . I wrote the sum and passed it back ., 他扔给我了一本支票簿. 我把总额写好并还给了他. +the chequebook1 . 这些支票 the chequebook did not buy a single trophy and when Leeds failed to qualify for the Champions League in his final season , catastrophe loomed and a hasty fire-sale of players resulted in relegation two years later .这些支票一个奖杯也没买来,当利兹联连参加冠军杯的资格都没有的时候,灾难就离他们越 +the chequebook I1 . 我的支票簿 for example , the chequebook I have is only usable in shanghai .举例说来,我的支票簿只在上海有用。 |