大惊小怪的英文: [Literal Meaning] aux./surprised/aux./strange to get surprised at something perfectly normal
[解释] 对小的事情过分慌张或惊讶
[Explanation] to make a fuss over something normal
[例子] 学校商店里的售货员经常找错钱,不必大惊小怪。
[Example] The sales girls in the university shop often give wrong changes. You need not to make a fuss over it.
[英语等价词] a tempest in a teapot 参考例句:
fuss pot [口]老是大惊小怪的人;在小事上瞎操心的人 Look at the way she's watering those seedlings! She fusses over them like a mother hen. 瞧她给那些幼苗浇水的样子!她常常手脚忙乱,大惊小怪。 A storm in a teacup ; much ado about nothing 大惊小怪;小题大做 Honestly! What a fuss! 真是大惊小怪! Don't have a cow 别大惊小怪 Unnecessary noise or fuss 咋咋呼呼大惊小怪. Not worth a whoop ((美口语)毫无价值;大惊小怪 There is nothing to get alarmed about. 没什么可大惊小怪的。 I didn't delight to make a fuss. 我不喜欢大惊小怪。 This attitude seemed to me unduly fussy. 在我看来这种态度过于大惊小怪。 |