辛的的英文: Hsieh-ch'an knew all about Hsin-mei's being jilted too tightfisted to spend a few dollars(Sinclair Lewis. Hsin-mei said with a rueful smile, "I'll welcome you to Chungking in the latter part of the year Hsin-mei replied, "I could tell long ago he is a lecher cindy told him with pseudo sweetness Russia exiled Alexander Solzhenitsyn for writing political novels. He picked up a fare in Oxford Street and took him to Kensington . He suggested that they not return home at all but go to Chungking and look up Chao Hsin-mei. J. L. Synge describes the conflict between theory and observation as an interplay between two worlds Kao Sung-nien just hired him as a lecturer, but Chao Hsin-mei wangled an associate professorship for him." adj. 偶对的 |