新环境的英文: "When school starts, I will have to get into the swing of things." It is an important issue to accustom oneself to new conditions quickly. get into the environment;Get into the swing of Settle into; become accustomed to It didn't take them long to become conditioned to the new environment. He made a quick adaptation to the new environment. It is very easy for her to adapt to a new environment. Feel unsettled in one's newsurroundings You should adapt yourself to the new environment. It takes time to acquaint oneself with a new place. adj. 新的;现代的;初次的;初见的 That news will keep. The venture was new. The news was flashed to Washington and then to New York. "New lords, new laws" I have ordered you a new suit [ordered a new suit for you]. n. 情况、环境等;自然环境 This material is recyclable and will not pollute the environment. An environment for creative thinking has to be cultivated. The labs are sealed environments. The second pillar is the pristine environment. There is some misadjustment to our environment. |